Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion FlashBoot Pro / Sep 25 2022

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  • #20176819 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about FlashBoot Pro? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than FlashBoot Pro, post it here! If you know of issues with FlashBoot Pro, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #20178787 Reply | Quote
    V P Kumar

    [ @Ashraf]

    I am unable to run the flashboot executable. It doesnt run.

    #20178799 Reply | Quote

    the software contain ransomware virus


    #20179323 Reply | Quote

    kaspersky recognize this as trojan and virus and it delete it!!!

    #20179568 Reply | Quote

    When you go to register this, it says that it is tired to 1 USB device only.
    So I would assume that you cannot use this on more than 1 USB device…am I correct?
    Since I have several USB devices for different purposes, this is totally useless to me then.
    Rufus then seems to be the best alternative & it is totally free & you can use it on as many USB devices as you want.

    #20179580 Reply | Quote

    In my previous post the automatic spelling put in “tired” instead of “tied.”

    #20180044 Reply | Quote

    My AV software wouldn’t let me install or use this software – is it virus checked by SOS before it’s posted?

    #20181054 Reply | Quote
    John A.

    This is the same Company that offered EMERGENCY BOOT KIT, last week. Did any one have success with BOOT KIT?
    I did not. Looking for feed back, with all their claims.

    #20181582 Reply | Quote

    A major part of what it claims to offer is some difficult but very important functionality that I’ve been seeking for a long time. Transferring your OS (with *everything* that was installed into it, as is and working) to new *and different* hardware is quite challenging, typically running afoul of critical driver issues, the Windows Hardware Abstraction Layer, and likely some Microsoft stuff that tries to lock a particular Windows install to a single, particular PC. The latter possibly at BIOS level ?: have to admit I never learned enough about this, which may have become more of a thing post XP. Anyway, I’ve tried to do this with Acronis OS images and failed . . . but they had some lengthy and complex documentation on it, so there could easily be hoops to jump through that I never worked out. The result was an OS in its next computer home that would not boot, except perhaps partially in Safe Mode — which is pretty useless. However, if I was attempting this image restore to a spare rig of identical hardware, it did work. But doing that wasn’t the goal; I wanted to transfer to a newer, more powerful rig that was free of some hardware components which were beginning to falter.

    There are a few other imaging programs, competitors to Acronis, which claim to be able to accomplish this transferring feat, but I haven’t yet explored them. And then there is a special program, Laplink PC Mover, which first appeared years ago, dedicated specifically to this task. I’m still eager to learn WHICH product can do this: completely, reliably, and without undue difficulty. It would have been great if this Flashboot program was in fact that answer, but the comments here cast a lot of doubt on that.

    In case anyone was wondering, I have a couple times gone the “full manual” route: install a fresh Win OS, install around 200 programs and utilities from scratch (Yes, that much !) with all of their settings, shortcuts, & etc., personal customizing of the OS, so that everything looks and works the way I prefer. This was incredibly tedious, about 2 solid weeks of work, another way of saying Cruel & Unusual Punishment. Not acceptable: there has to be a viable “Just Copy it All & Xfer” type of solution !

    #20181605 Reply | Quote

    Forgot to mention: Most free / promo programs, such as those provided here at SOS, *cannot* be reinstalled to another rig. So, barring a workable method to image & transfer them, you would just have to lose them and do without.

    #20181897 Reply | Quote
    Doug Dingle

    @Gene, I have used the paid version of Macrium Reflect’s built-in function for this to transfer a complete Windows 10 drive to another machine and keep some things intact. The new installation will take a while to download the drivers for the new motherboard, and a new motherboard will ALWAYS get you a “Windows 10 is not authorized” message on many (though not all). Additionally, any Office programs (except 365) and any Adobe programs will likely also need to be reauthorized.

    They go out of their way to not make this easy.

    #20181983 Reply | Quote

    “Make sure your USB device is already plugged in. Select your USB device when prompted, click OK. A registration page should open in your default browser.”

    That has to be the strangest registration i’ve seen in 2022.

    I will not be partaking in offering my usb hardware to some odd process.

    #20185314 Reply | Quote

    The shareware don´t install the Flashboot and not download this for install after day.

    #20194495 Reply | Quote

    [@Doug Dingle]

    Thanks for your reply. I don’t happen to use Office or Adobe programs, so that part would not be of concern. The test cases with Acronis to which I referred involved Win XP or Win-7 — so far. (FWIW.) I had heard of Macrium Reflect, and it will go onto my “must look into” list.

    #20203904 Reply | Quote
    Frank Hutson

    After installation and following request for Email address to receive Serial:todate have not received it.
    I also tried twice to no avail? What gives?
    A USB drive was attached as required?

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