Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion FolderMatch / Aug 26 2019

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  • #14296449 Reply | Quote

    Downloaded yet again today 08/29/2019 12:32pm AZ time and it still does not accept code. Deleting again, and will NOT try ANYTHING from this company. They can’t seem to fix a free issue, and probably not something you pay for. Added to black list.

    #14410037 Reply | Quote
    Richard N.

    I’ve been using FolderMatch since 2012 and have been very satisfied with its function and ease of use. I started with V 3.6.9. then V 3.7.3. and have just now upgraded to V 4.1.1. There is one change in the new version that I’m disappointed with.
    In the older versions, when I selected folders to be compared, the selected folders were saved and were already selected the next time I opened FolderMatch. This was useful and time saving as most of the time I’m comparing the same folders for backup purposes. Now with the newest version I must select the same folders every time I open FolderMatch. It may not seem such a big deal to some, but I find the extra steps annoying, especially after having them saved for all the times I’ve opened FolderMatch over the last seven years. I hope in your next version/update that you’d consider adding an option to save the selected folders. In the meantime I believe I may uninstall V 4.1.1 and re-install V 3.7.3.
    Regards Richard N.

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Reply To: Reply #14288229 in FolderMatch / Aug 26 2019