Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion HitFilm 3 Express + Star Wars Effects / Jan 13 2016

  • This topic has 64 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by JeffW.
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  • #3966668 Reply | Quote
    Terry Hollett

    Installed it and it’s asking for a serial code. There don’t seem to be an option to get one. Worthless. Un-installing.

    #3968499 Reply | Quote

    Hmm! I see that not only I have problem with serial code. Really I’m very disappointed! Why someone write “working for me ok”, but another guys like me have software in trial version?? For now it’s worthless “gift”!

    #3969257 Reply | Quote

    I have followed the instructions, but a serial code is required. Please help me.

    #3975576 Reply | Quote

    the serial number shows up when you log into hitfilm and go into your account info. was able to install, says it’s registered to me, but like others, asking me to pay for the star wars features. disappointing.

    #3975577 Reply | Quote

    [@gisele] the serial number shows up when you log into hitfilm and go into your account info. was able to install, says it’s registered to me, but like others, asking me to pay for the star wars features. disappointing.

    #3975953 Reply | Quote

    Thank you for this great program!

    #3979856 Reply | Quote

    [ @Ashraf] did not recive a LICENSE KEY to activate!!!

    #3991221 Reply | Quote


    I can’t get the serial code, please, I install the software and when it asks serial code there is not serial code in the border.
    How can I get the serial code ?
    Thanks a lot for request.


    #4003526 Reply | Quote

    [@judotter] Nwm czy już rozwiązałeś ale na email powinna przyjść ci wiadomość z linkiem do aktywacji :)

    #4003532 Reply | Quote

    If you have this problem check your email, there should be a activation link (something like “download”)

    #4003536 Reply | Quote

    [@judotter] Nwm czy już rozwiązałeś ale na email powinna przyjść ci wiadomość z linkiem do aktywacji :)

    #4061116 Reply | Quote

    Zastanawiam się po co jest to forum, skoro nikt nie reaguje na zażalenia zgłaszane przez tak wielu użytkowników! Pisać dla samego pisania? Nie wierzę, że twórca programu o tym nie wie! Wie i nic z tym nie robi. Bezsensowna oferta, która źle świadczy o twórcy i podkopuje opinie użytkowników o “sharewareonsale”. To tutaj już mój trzeci komentarz i nic, żadnego efektu. jak to jest, że u jednych działa, od innych chce licencji, a u jeszcze innych działa w połowie – program się aktywował, ale chce pieniędzy za dodatek. Przecież to już nawet nie jest śmieszne! Nie ukrywam, że nie zależy mi specjalnie na programie, ale na uczciwym i z szacunkiem podejściu do nas, użytkowników! Po prostu jestem poirytowany! Pozdrawiam resztę “obdarowanych” licencją do programu!

    #4067698 Reply | Quote

    It doesn’t work, just didnt start.

    #4071993 Reply | Quote

    HitFilm 3 Express Setup error dialog:

    Warning 1909. Could not create Shortcut HitFilm3
    Express.lnk. Verify that the destination folder
    exists and that you can access it.

    #4073296 Reply | Quote

    Got the same error code as WildCat. Warning 1909. Could not create Shortcut HitFilm3Express.lnk. Verify that the destination folder exists and that you can access it.

    Most of this is copied and pasted from what I sent to their support: [email protected]

    After installing…
    Read the email and clicked the verify button in it. I had to go into the programs file folder and click on the .exe as there wasn’t a shortcut on my desktop because of the installation error. After program opened I clicked activate and unlock and entered my account info from the site registration process.

    Kept saying wrong username or password. Verified my password in Firefox options and by logging into their website. Program still wouldn’t take information. Reset password. Verified new password by again logging into my account at https://hitfilm.com and then logged out. Restarted program again, clicked activate and unlock and entered my account info. This time program opened, didn’t say anything about activating, and had a lot of ‘packages’ to buy on the left hand side, same as it did on the ‘trial’/first opening on install.

    Looked for option in program to verify/validate that it had been updated after logging in with my account details. But there was no link or button to do this. Checked their website, says Hitfilm 2 deactivated, but did say Hitfilm 3 was activated. Closed the program and reopened it. Same results, still looks like the trial version was installed.

    Read the directions on their site for reinstalling the program, and just in case copied the serial key from my account info in case it was needed. Uninstalled the program using Revo Uninstaller Pro and reinstalled it.

    After program opened, it said it was already activated on 1 computer and wouldn’t run/open.

    Software looks pretty impressive and I would like to be able to test/use it. But I can’t as Hitfilms’ installation process has me jumping through so many hoops and then even after getting it installed, AND having verified my account details, the program wouldn’t let me log in with the SAME INFORMATION I used log into their website. Then when program does let me log in, after resetting password, it doesn’t say anything about having been updated from the trial version.

    So my question to you is… How do I fix this in order to use this program? As it stands right now, it still looks as if I have, am using, the trial version.

    Any help regarding this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and consideration regarding this matter.
    P.S. Almost forgot… noticed when opening 2nd time that there were TWO usernames. It seems that even though the Activate & Unlock asks for your EMAIL in the entry field, after opening account on your website it CHANGES this to your ‘real’ name. In my case it went from my email address to CharlesFarley <— notice there is no space between them. Same as it shows me on your website. Hope this information helps.

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Reply To: Reply #7610590 in HitFilm 3 Express + Star Wars Effects / Jan 13 2016