Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Internxt Drive / Apr 23 2021

  • This topic has 62 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 3 years ago by Ainhoa.
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  • #17747408 Reply | Quote

    After reading the comments above, I felt I had to add some encouragement not only for the people who want this free offer, but for Ashraf and the developer. After reading all the instructions that Ashraf gave and seeing the comment above that it is definitely 20 gig, I decided to give this a try. I had NO trouble at all by first creating an account, then downloading the program, installing and opening the program. Yes, I have 20 gig automatically. I then uploaded 6 pictures to a file folder. Yes it takes longer than dropbox; box or even Pcloud, but for free account, I am not complaining. I did not down load from my uploaded pictures but the directions for that are there to follow. Seems simple enough. I strongly believe that people should follow directions entirely and not complain especially when the program is free. Thank you Ashraf and the devvelopers of Internxt for toady’s offer. Keep up the good work.

    #17747592 Reply | Quote

    Still only 10Gb at 1500GMT. :-(

    #17747679 Reply | Quote

    Signed up using the links provided in the instructions (not using the create account in the app) and straight away got 20Gb. The sign up page should mention SharewareOnSale and the 20Gb offer for those who are unsure.

    Upload isn’t too bad given that the file is being encrypted at source too, but like everything, it could be better.

    A couple of suggestions I would like though is a better web drive with image previews and proper integration for the Windows client with sync icons so it is easy to see if a file has been synced or not.

    #17747711 Reply | Quote
    Norman Calver

    This f****g garbage won’t let you unsubscribe. I’ve had to block their address to never have anything to do with them again. They have kept my email address because they do not allow me to change anything other than the password. Get past this mob.

    Esta puta basura no permite darse de baja. He tenido que bloquear su dirección para no volver a tener nada que ver con ellos. Se han quedado con mi dirección de correo porque no dejan cambiar nada mas que la contraseña. Pasad de esta gentuza.

    #17747713 Reply | Quote

    The sign up and registration process was easy but after that? The programme appeared to install okay but in fact hadn’t even though it sort of started when windows 10 started. I attempted to access the storage space and it then crashed whatever browser I tried using. I could log in online but then the browser just flashed and gave me a blank screen. At no point did I manage to check out the folders or even get to upload anything. Life is too short to fight with software so this is now deleted from my machine.

    #17747715 Reply | Quote

    Only got 10 GB storage – emailed them and haven’t heard back as yet. Anyone can sign up and get 10 GB free.

    #17747970 Reply | Quote
    José Di Siervi

    It runs on 64 bit Windows only.

    #17748400 Reply | Quote

    1 got 10gb, not 20gb.

    #17748406 Reply | Quote

    [@Johannes] Correction: it jumped up to 20gb in a few minutes.

    #17748456 Reply | Quote

    How do you get to this being “worth” $1000. Ridiculous!

    #17749521 Reply | Quote
    Zoran Stanić

    Ashraf please be kind and explain all these problems and questions… (Manufacturer too…!)

    #17750273 Reply | Quote

    Disappointed with program, appears to be many issues not functioning, also speed very slow.

    #17750379 Reply | Quote

    Ok. Downloaded and installed fine, although I did have to set up an account. Then it all went pear-shaped. As several others have mentioned, the 20GB storage space turns out to be 10Gb. I emailed the address given but have had no reply 5 hours later. I set up a folder and tried uploading some zipped files – the files will only upload one at a time, so you can image how long it’s going to take to upload tens of gigabytes of data. And if it takes ages to upload, I believe it’s going to take ages to download too.
    I won’t be uploading any more files today. I will wait and see if there is any reply to the 10Gb not 20Gb problem, because it may be useful for “cold storage” of (say) backup of a backup. If there is no contact from the vendor though, nor resolution of the storage space, then I think I’ll be bidding Internxt adieu.

    #17750525 Reply | Quote

    Solo se han recibido 10Gb de los 20Gb prometidos, ¿podrían aclarar porque la oferta no es correcta?

    [email protected] <[email protected]>;

    #17750651 Reply | Quote

    [@Wadadoo] Solucionado por el soporte de Internxt en unos minutos, muchas gracias.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 63 total)
Reply To: Reply #17746821 in Internxt Drive / Apr 23 2021