Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion MyDraw / Jan 17 2021

  • This topic has 61 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years ago by Ashraf.
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  • #17127231 Reply | Quote

    Hello – it is for all, that did not get a password (that is – this place was blank):

    Read it (again):

    ” IMPORTANT: If you already have a MyDraw account with your email address, then we did not create a new account; you will need to use that previous account to login when following the steps below — or checkout with us again with a new email address.”

    I had the same problem – so I used ANOTHER (my) email – because, I remembered, that I used this software sometimes ago.

    After I used (on the 2nd page of “sharewareonsale” – where you need to write your email) – some new (another) email, as I used normally here, then – on the last page – I got as my “email”, so – ALSO – Account Password (!!!) – and not “blank place”.

    So – I hope, it can help you …

    #17127234 Reply | Quote

    ***UPDATE*** If you got a blank password, you can reset it using your email address at https://www.mydraw.com/

    #17127752 Reply | Quote

    I have used prior versions of this software and rate it very highly if you need to create/maintain charts. It’s worth trying again to register & activate the software. Maybe wait another day; it sounds like their website is overwhelmed. I recommend making a backup of your system drive before installing this over an older, still-working version – just in case!

    If you got it working, let us know, because so far most posts are about problems. Is it bad for everyone or just a few?

    #17127884 Reply | Quote
    John Griffith

    Can’t register the program . says the wrong password. Tried all the suggestions on the forum no luck I.m going to remove it too much hassle for me even though it’s free.
    Thanks anyhow

    #17128165 Reply | Quote
    Gene Garrett

    I installed on an old Win7 machine and after all the hoops and yadayada all went well, even logging into the account they created. Now, it shows MyDraw already has a license and if I try to deactivate it I can’t. I have tried to go to their website and it’s a blank page.

    #17128232 Reply | Quote
    Blair Jones

    I d/l & installed & managed to get it registered/activated/license OK — but I was *very careful* to follow the directions step-by-step — copied them to a note & went down the list, being sure to double-check which button/box I was pushing for what. They seem to have a very picky process.
    It does seem to be very slow to load & get going. I haven’t been able to get a template to work yet. Tried just loading Calendar & it either poked along (& then didn’t offer much) or became ‘unresponsive’ so I force-quit. (using Win10).

    #17129229 Reply | Quote

    So, trying to activate with the provided e-mail and password and it tells me there are no licenses. The website is a blank screen. This is a good tool but this giveaway is bogus.
    What is going on?

    #17129374 Reply | Quote

    I got the message no available licenses for this account. Would I like to purchase one?

    Not sure what’s going on. Can you please let me know?


    #17120151 Reply | Quote

    Hello people!

    Forgot Password?


    Request a new password \ serial to activate the program – your email.
    MyDraw 5.01 – license record has already been created in your account!
    Good Luck!

    #17128363 Reply | Quote

    Ok so the registration process is a mess.

    Firstly you have to open a template before you get to the screen that shows the file menu. Then you follow the instructions and choose login – dont try to register the account from the dialog box as it does not work.

    Then you choose to active and then you have to restart and finally its all good.

    So complaints:
    #1 – Fix your website. its not working at all. The home page is blank (and yes I tried on more than one browser). Then when I use the account link (https:// www. mydraw. com/account-index) I click login and see the spinner and…. Nothing. Same for New registration. At least give a message.

    #2 – I dont like how the application starts. I expect to go to the application screen and THEN open a recent document or select a template. The way it currently functions is not intuitive.

    After these hurdles the overall look is nice.

    #17129883 Reply | Quote

    When launched, the program shows a white screen and closes.

    #17129983 Reply | Quote
    Nick K

    I really could use this software, but activation and password reset is completely broken. My first attempt I received a checkout page with my email and blank password, probably because I had downloaded an earlier version from a previous offer last year. That offer sent a License Key instead of setting up a My Draw account, so not sure if I ever had an account. At any rate, I attempted to reset my password and received no password reset email from the publisher.

    After waiting several hours with still no response, I went through the SOS checkout again using a different email. This time I did receive a password. I completely uninstalled the previous version, downloaded and installed the new one. After installing, I opened a blank template, clicked on File, About, and was able to log in to my new account.

    After successfully logging in, when I click Activate with MyDraw Account, I get the message that No available licenses found for this account. I also went to their website and tried logging in using the credentials from SOS email, but it does nothing.

    I really hope they can get this fixed as I would very much like to use this software for network mapping. Thank you.

    #17130252 Reply | Quote
    Colin Faulkner

    I initially logged into my (existing account) and it showed 2 licenses – but now I can’t access mydraw.com – nothing happens – can’t login. program shows registered – but I can’t see how…

    #17131705 Reply | Quote
    Nick K

    It appears that My Draw is working on their website and making progress. The login and Forgot password functions now work and I was able to reset password on my original gmail account and activate the product.

    HOWEVER, as others have pointed out, it says this is only a 1 year subscription, NOT a lifetime license.

    #17133223 Reply | Quote
    Boryana Dimitrova

    Dear Customers,
    Thank you for your comments and interest in our diagramming software. If someone has experienced a bad request 404, please follow the below steps:
    -Make sure that you have disabled the proxy server and try again to complete the activation procedure. The license is activated with the registered email and password and then selecting the option “Activate with MyDraw account”.

    If someone has been unable to request a “Forgot password” through MyDraw’s official website, we suggest to try again and make sure to check the Spam folder. In order for the new password to take effect, it needs to be confirmed through the link sent in the email.

    If some has received a black screen, then please use the following troubleshooting guide:

    Collapse All Expand All View with Navigation Tools
    This documentation topic provides some suggestions that may help you fix issues with MyDraw startup, performance, or graphics quality.
    Launch Settings Overview
    MyDraw can load and apply some settings before the software is launched. These settings should be defined in a file named LaunchSettings.ini. The settings file consists of lines of text, each one representing a key/value pair, separated by an equals (“=”) sign. The following settings are currently supported:
    •EnableGpuRendering – enables or disables hardware graphics acceleration. By default set to true. Set it to false to disable hardware graphics acceleration if MyDraw fails to start or you notice unusual graphical artifacts or glitches.
    •EnableSystemFonts – enables or disables the loading of system fonts. By default set to true. Set it to false to disable loading of system fonts.
    •EnablePaintCache – enables or disables paint cache. By default set to true.
    •EnableEnableMultithreadedPainting – enables or disables multithreaded painting. By default set to true.
    The following is a sample LaunchSettings.ini file that disables hardware graphics acceleration and system fonts:
    LaunchSettings.ini Copy Code
    To download the file above click here.
    Launch Settings on Windows
    The LaunchSettings.ini file for MyDraw for Windows must be placed in the folder %appdata%\MyDraw. To open this folder copy and paste this folder path (%appdata%\MyDraw) into the address bar of Windows Explorer and press Enter. Then right-click into an empty area in the folder and select New -> Text Document to create a new text document. Rename it to LaunchSettings.ini, then open it with a text editor of your choice (for example Notepad) and add the settings you want.
    Launch Settings on macOS
    The LaunchSettings.ini file of MyDraw for Mac must be placed in the MyDraw’s package subfolder Contents/Resources. To create this file right-click the MyDraw.app package and select Show Package Contents. Then open or create Contents/Resources/LaunchSettings.ini with a text editor of your choice (for example TextEdit) and add the settings you want.

    Should you have any other issue or need of assistance, do not hesitate to contact MyDraw Support: [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected]

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Reply To: Reply #17134896 in MyDraw / Jan 17 2021