Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion O&O Defrag 24 Pro / Nov 7 2021

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  • #18813822 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about O&O Defrag 24 Pro? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than O&O Defrag 24 Pro, post it here! If you know of issues with O&O Defrag 24 Pro, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #18816232 Reply | Quote
    Bruce Weinstein

    Good morning:

    Your latest giveaway for O&O defrag v24 is not accepting the key sent to me via email from O&O.

    Thank you for your help.

    #18816681 Reply | Quote

    Just the heads up: In Windows it installs on 64 bit only.

    #18816760 Reply | Quote

    By asking for gender in the registration data and the option of another gender is enshrined there, you have fallen down in my eyes. There is no other gender, fill in the blanks you know from biology. Don’t fall for fashion. I feel you are insulting all religions of this world and their believers.
    Man is created as male and female and no other gender was created. I am deeply disappointed and ashamed of you responsible for this site.
    You offer your “customers” promotion on Facebook or LinkenId. Know that I will truthfully communicate my findings with you on this site. Man.

    #18816929 Reply | Quote

    It’s been 7 hours since I applied for a free license, but it still hasn’t been sent to my email address, even though I’ve already checked it out in spam! Looks like a lot of people have asked for a free license, so can’t they meet that?

    #18818045 Reply | Quote

    does not accept my email?no problem i will not use this program!There are other possibilities!

    #18818420 Reply | Quote

    Unfortunately, the setup file will not launch even when trying to run it as Administrator (on my windows 10 64 bit).

    #18818620 Reply | Quote

    [reHelloply user=’Ashraf’ id=’18813822′]
    Hello, I downloaded this program several times, but it will not open or install. It always states access violation. I have tried for 2 days now. Please fix it.

    #18818774 Reply | Quote

    I was able to download and install, and activate it so’s to speak. You do need to understand German, as the ribbon and feedback are all in German. Is there no way to change translation in the program? You can do so on their website.

    #18818954 Reply | Quote

    The program O&O Defrag 24 installs fine but I am not getting the registration file after several attempts by filling the registration on the web page. I have yet to receive an email from O&O.

    #18821054 Reply | Quote

    Registration is not working. It’s not going to the second page.

    #18822237 Reply | Quote

    I used compatibility troubleshooting, and it allow me to launch successfuly the setup file for windows 8 instead of windows 10. The program installe corrrectly, and I am very happy with this outcome.
    Thank you Ashraf and the Developer for this awesome software.

    #18823147 Reply | Quote


    In your situation I would try to use a throwaway email address like 10minmail net, just make sure you extend the time by another 10 min before the original 10 min elapses.

    #18823579 Reply | Quote
    d adams

    There is something seriously wrong if it take FOUR full paragraphs to explain the installation process. I lost interest halway through the second paragraph. Thank you for the offer, but I will pass.

    #18826796 Reply | Quote
    Roy Ballew

    Submitted request over 12 hrs ago and still haven’t received an email from O and O Defrag.

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Reply To: Reply #18871004 in O&O Defrag 24 Pro / Nov 7 2021