Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion O&O DiskImage 17 Pro / Apr 1 2023

  • This topic has 30 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 year ago by Yang.
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  • #21031974 Reply | Quote

    Could not register. Never got a serial number!


    or Do they want us to take the trial, then Buy it.
    I would if it worked properly and priced reasonably.

    #21032213 Reply | Quote

    Registered and seems to be complete and functional.

    #21032471 Reply | Quote

    What is the HUB link?
    how to do this?

    #21041747 Reply | Quote

    Also received NO response at all from them (so far), more than 24 hours after filling in that response item on their website.

    btw, I’ve been using their very good utility program ShutUp 10 ever since Win 10 was poised to debut, so my prior experience with O&O has been entirely favorable.

    #21042343 Reply | Quote

    follow the instructions in the email carefully. After you have requested a license key, you will receive an email in German. It is telling you that you have to click the link to get the license key. THEN they will send you the email with the key. But they warn that it will take hours. It is also in German. Further down in the second email, you will find the key, but be aware of the two fields above (probably both your email.) These are the name and company fields when you register within the program.
    Good luck.

    #21053784 Reply | Quote

    And STILL no response . . . . If it’s this roundabout, with hoops to jump through and possibly a stop at Google Translate to be certain, they are not making enough of an effort to gain adherents among users in the U.S. (Contrast with how very accessible their FREE ShutUP 10 that I referenced has been ! So there’s no good reason this offering could not have followed in the same manner.) Under these circumstances, it becomes a lot easier to just go with Macrium Reflect or one of the others instead.

    #21054433 Reply | Quote

    program is only 64-bit Installation of offer will not complete. Message says 32 bit install is necessary on my computer.

    #21057277 Reply | Quote

    Beware: Their entry page seems to be extremely picky as regards one’s email address. “Fehler: Eingegebene E-Mail Adresse ist nicht gültig.
    Bitte geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail Adresse ein. Bitte versuchen Sie es noch einmal.” Translation: “Error: Entered email address is not valid.
    Please enter a valid email address. Please try again.”
    Seems to be what happened to my submission, and perhaps also to yours. Would not have picked up on this, but for a second look and that stopover at Google Translate.

    #21071246 Reply | Quote


    During the installation (yesterday) I had problems with the language because they let me download their German installer.
    I had to use google translate.
    Anyway, I succeeded to install and register it.
    Then I uninstalled it and installed the English version.
    I created a disk image with the partitions I’ve chosen.
    It has been quite quick.

    Now I was trying to restore a partition (restoration), but the software didn’t load the image.
    Then I tried to mount the partition.
    It is still trying to mount it.

    I’m not impressed and I’m going to uninstall the software after I reboot the machine, hoping I shouldn’t use macrium reflect that WORKS!
    This software should help to restore the computer, it shouldn’t add more frustration!

    Hope this helps.

    #21077600 Reply | Quote
    Bill Earle

    Still waiting for the registration and serial number after 24 hours. I really dislike the “over the river and thru the woods” approach to getting “free” software. Either give me the download link, registration info & serial number in one email or don’t bother to notify me.

    #21160818 Reply | Quote

    It’s been a few days and I still haven’t received my registration code.

    #21163911 Reply | Quote

    It was my mistake. I missed an email from O&O. I sincerely apologize to O&O Software GmbH.

    #21169955 Reply | Quote

    Found out if you claim the offer via email recieved initially from sharewareonsale.com you have an option to click after the first link english and german; to make it easier should you forget the email instructions etx.


    #21227398 Reply | Quote
    Dave Howes

    Almost two days, three attempts, no emails. Doesn’t give you a lot of faith in their software!

    #21227596 Reply | Quote

    Since when do you have more genders than two in the West? When listing personal data, you also offered me a third option. This borders on abnormality in thinking. Or the decline of culture.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 32 total)
Reply To: Reply #21227398 in O&O DiskImage 17 Pro / Apr 1 2023