Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Perfect PDF 9 Editor / Mar 13 2022

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  • #19433540 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Perfect PDF 9 Editor? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Perfect PDF 9 Editor, post it here! If you know of issues with Perfect PDF 9 Editor, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #19442418 Reply | Quote
    Peter Blaise

    There is absolutely NO REASON to give feedback here because they are up to v11, and this ‘giveaway’ is OLD v9, so we have NO IDEA if they have already addressed anything we might say.

    #19443520 Reply | Quote

    [@Peter Blaise] Well stated Peter!

    #19468055 Reply | Quote
    Peter Blaise

    Oh, they’re up to v12 already, so v9 is a tease to get us addicted to their software, but no, they have no need of feedback, because, hey, they’ve moved on from this version.

    I suppose we can chat about how we ourselves make ‘old’ software function as well as possible.


    Thanks, Ashraf, for letting us explore this and share.

    #19473239 Reply | Quote

    Oh, they’re up to v12 already, so v9 is a tease to get us addicted to their software, but no, they have no need of feedback, because, hey, they’ve moved on from this version.

    I suppose we can chat about how we ourselves make ‘old’ software function as well as possible.


    Thanks, Ashraf, for letting us explore this and share.

    Yup, checked and I already had a V. 9 installed, from 3/2021.
    Good to know I can just overlook this.
    The question then shifts to: “Are any changes from V. 9 to V. 12 so critical that we should take them into consideration, in deciding on any next move ?”

    #19473914 Reply | Quote
    Rodrigo Diaz

    I downloaded the SoS installation file, but decided against installing this software when I noticed on the downloads page that you have to create an account with the vendor (Soft Xpansion) in order to get the license key.

    Yes, I know it’s “free” software, but not even Adobe has my account info, why should these people? It’s not worth it to save $33.99.

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Reply To: Reply #19443520 in Perfect PDF 9 Editor / Mar 13 2022