Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Photo Background Remover 8 / May 1 2023

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  • #21139472 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Photo Background Remover 8? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Photo Background Remover 8, post it here! If you know of issues with Photo Background Remover 8, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #21139513 Reply | Quote

    Unfortunately, provided serial doesn’t work.

    #21139901 Reply | Quote

    If you already have version 8 of this software, do not be put off installing it because of all the references in the titles and text to version 8. In spite of all these references to version 8, it is in fact version 9 that is being given to us (thank you), as noted in the Technical Details section of the listing.

    The serial number provided did work for me.

    #21140025 Reply | Quote

    This is indeed version 9 and the code works for me too. Thank you !

    #21140524 Reply | Quote

    I, likewise, had not problem with installing this Version 9.0; I already had 8.0 which for some reason kept saying it was not a registered version upon pull up. So I uninstalled it prior to downloading and installing this version. Thank you to SOS.

    #21141051 Reply | Quote

    Indeed this is version 9, but the title & the exe file reference version 8. Confusing.
    Also SoftOrbits is known for saying that you have a lifetime license, but then a few months later, the software becomes unregistered.
    This is also what happened with me with version 8, because it also said unregistered version, even though it was supposed to be a lifetime license.
    I am wondering whose lifetime they are talking about…maybe it is the lifetime of a fly or some of short-lived bug.

    #21141408 Reply | Quote

    Yeah says 9.0 and S.O. is such a pain. Had 8.0 installed and ran it as a test first. Sure enough up comes an error box saying software registration is in ERROR. 8.0 would still launch but said unregistered version. Used Revo to uninstall. Ran this 9.0 from the SOS site (not the version sent to email) and used today’s code. Worked once found where to place code.
    Can only guess it will work until 9.0 comes along & kills 8. Just a thing to toy around. Thanks SOS.

    #21141621 Reply | Quote

    The only four things that can be done with this software is to Download, Install, Register with supplied key and Load the picture. Afterwards none of the tools is working. Cannot mark foreground, nor background as the marker does not appear, cannot change option from Manual to Auto, as only manual is available etc…
    Tried to uninstall and download from SoftOrbits directly – nothing changed, the setup file is exactly the same so the effect of installation cannot be different.
    Any idea, how to make is work ?

    #21142009 Reply | Quote

    [@beerbear] I ran the program to see what you meant about it not working, and was surprised that my copy would let me mark fore and backgrounds, but nothing else happened. I reinstalled the program and it then worked for me, though very slowly. So my only suggestion is to try reinstalling the program yet again, though it appears reinstallation didn’t work for you before.

    #21142460 Reply | Quote

    [@emperor] I didn’t want to write too much, but believe me, before publishing previous post I spent a few hours on reinstalling, restarting computer and cleaning HD & registry to be sure there are no traces of previous installations. Result always the same – red/green markers don’t even appear regardles of how many times I click on the markers icons. Even wanted to download previous version-8 trial, to check if it would work on my desktop, however it is unavailable. Most probably the latest v9 has a bug causing problems on Win10 32bit.

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Reply To: Reply #21139901 in Photo Background Remover 8 / May 1 2023