Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Photo Pos Pro PREMIUM VERSION / Jul 18 2018

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  • #11703613 Reply | Quote

    If anybody may solve the problem of registration, i’m going to uninstall this software…to me seems a fake offer
    Strange because normally on sharewareonsale all software i’ve downloaded works perfectly

    #11704608 Reply | Quote

    @ All those who can’t figure out how to register: click the minuscule triangle pointing down on the top right corner of the interface, then the yellow lightning bolt. It took me a while to find it!

    #11705371 Reply | Quote
    PHOTO POS PRO support

    During the installtion you have to opt-out the 21-days free trial, next o fully activate the premium version and remove the from the software screen please click on Help -> Premium Subscription, On the Registration Screen fill in your registration key and click OK

    IF YOU ALREADY INSTALLED the 21 days free trial you’ll have to enter the key once the free trial will be over. If you installed the software during the offer days the key will work for you.

    #11707036 Reply | Quote

    Bom dia.
    Como altero a interface desse programa para português do Brasil?

    #11707701 Reply | Quote

    1 In the first window, select “Start with PRO interface”, and next.

    You have to wait for the program to load. The page in the browser opens. Here I have a problem “looks like the program can not connect to the internet”.

    2 The second step is to click on “help” and then “Premium Version”

    A new window opens where you must enter the key

    Registration Key:…………

    3 After entering the key, another window opens. I can not register either. I turned off the system’s firewall and it does not help either.
    A message is displayed “Registration failed (computer reg.addr was not found)”

    #11709166 Reply | Quote
    Elaine Hutchings

    Windows 7 – 32bit. I loaded up a jpg 4545x 3030px plus one simple layer. I find the program to be sluggish and sometimes completely non-responsive….or maybe I’m just not patient enough. It crashed when I tried to make a simple contrast adjustment to a RAW file. After an hour of playing with it, I did not find anything special about this software & no reason to keep it.

    #11971116 Reply | Quote
    Donald Campbell

    I have checked out the free version and I am impressed, especially with RAW, which is my preferred, but, after reading all the dissatisfaction over upgrading to the premium version, I am very concerned about the negativity!

    I was contemplating the upgrade as I use large photographs, as is expected with RAW; another thing of concern, is that there is a single value to the upgrade and I assume that is US$, whereas, I live in Australia and there is no external US$ value offered, so what is the upgrade in AU$?

    For a program, even as a free version, nowhere does it mention that the free version is for only 21 days, or as Donald Trump would say, “It’s fake news.”, so, cam someone correct this before I am forced to delete the program; anyone out there?

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Reply To: Photo Pos Pro PREMIUM VERSION / Jul 18 2018