Have something to say about Photolemur 3? Say it here!
Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Photolemur 3, post it here! If you know of issues with Photolemur 3, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)
Все программы от этой фирмы не фурычат в русском сегменте или требуют определенных танцев с бубном.Вообщем в топку все ихние приложения, больше ни-ни. Полная хрень.
Świetny program dla tych, którzy chcą szybko poprawić swoje fotki przed publikacją na platformach społecznościowych. To automat, który dość dobrze radzi sobie z poprawą parametrów zdjęcia (balans bieli, jasność, kontrast, nasycenie,…). Polecam
After downloading, I tried to activate the software with a serial code that had given. But it massages the serial is not found. Then how can I activate?
After download I started to install got to the point where photolemur says initializing after a short wait, was told that photolemur had been installed successfully. But there was no sign of the program on my computer, in fact there had been no successfully installment even though photolemur said there had.
My Computer is Aser Aspire X3990, Intel(R)Core(TM)i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40ghz
Installed Memory(Ram) 6.00GB
64 Bit operating system
Windows 10
Seems like great software, but every time I try to run it, I get the following: HighlightsShadowsAdjustmenLayer….. error: external component has thrown an exception.