Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion RoboForm Everywhere / Jan 31 2016

  • This topic has 22 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Mike.
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  • #4156000 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about RoboForm Everywhere? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than RoboForm Everywhere, post it here! If you know of issues with RoboForm Everywhere, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #4158033 Reply | Quote

    Note that this is only a 1 year license—does it stop working after that, or just isn’t updated? Also, anyone else a little nervous about giving your passwords to be stored in the cloud?

    #4159488 Reply | Quote

    I have roboform for over 5 years now and it’s great. As for being nervous about storing password in the cloud. They do not have your master password that unlocks your account so if you loose it they can’t help. There are safe guards in place but they are done by you.

    #4160044 Reply | Quote
    E Smith

    When I tried Roboform in the past, it didn’t work well at the Citibank or Fidelity websites. But it did work well at most other websites. Does anyone know if the Citibank and Fidelity bugs have been fixed?

    Also does anyone know the rules for trying it again after having tried it in the past?

    #4160162 Reply | Quote

    hi everyone
    i ve been using roboform for a while , when i hit the free password storage limit i deleted my account ( not feeling comfortable with letting all my stuff around even knowing that my master password was private )
    now , what happens when the 1 year license expires?
    does it get back to the free version , that would mean no more entries left


    #4160354 Reply | Quote
    E Smith

    I vaguely remember seeing somewhere that Roboform Everywhere is sold as a subscription, which means paying more money every year. But I don’t think it’s very much. Something like $9.95 or some such amount.

    In the distant past, before I had the Citibank and Fidelity accounts mentioned above, I had a paid version of Roboform that included free updates to new versions forever. But they no longer honor that. In the meantime, I tried Keepass and was planning to try Lastpass, but I started using Google Chrome, and it fills in a lot of passwords, and I’m trying to figure out how to make it do the rest of them. But I want to try Roboform again to see if they’ve fixed those bugs and to see if it works well at all the websites where I have accounts. I had tried it at least once in the meantime, from one of these offers, and that was when I encountered the Citibank and Fidelity bugs.

    #4160911 Reply | Quote

    I use lastpass, it works good. I have tried Roboform before, I had to many problems with it.

    #4161134 Reply | Quote
    E Smith

    Someone try Roboform and/or Lastpass to login to your Citibank credit cards and see if it works and mention it here.

    #4162925 Reply | Quote

    I’ve been using Roboform for a year and a half, predominantly on my desktop. The Anywhere feature syncs to my iPhone and Android pad, although they are not as seamless as on my desktop. Now I set stronger passwords, because I don’t have to type them in, much less remember them. I prefer Roboform over others I’d tried because of the added form filling capabilities, which saves time and typing errors.

    They passwords in the cloud aren’t useful without the master password.

    After the first year, I renewed for three years at $45.55.

    #4163372 Reply | Quote
    E Smith

    The reason to try logging in to Citibank (for credit card accounts) is that it’s a hard website to log in to. If it works there, it’s likely to work almost everywhere.

    Also try these websites, as some of them are harder than most, but not as hard as Citibank:

    US Bank
    Capital One

    Most other websites can be done by Chrome. It autofills the login/password when you navigate to the website. But it doesn’t do the above websites very well, because something unusual there prevents it from recognizing the login procedure correctly.

    #4163468 Reply | Quote
    Serious Bob

    From what I have read, after your 1 year license if over with, you WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ACCESS YOUR PASSWORDS, using sync with online or OFFLINE. The price is pretty cheap and it seems to be working better than Sticky Password for me because it covers a bit more login information for a few sites.

    My suggestion would be, USE THE 1 YEAR LICENSE, but make sure and select the “PRINT LIST” option and save your passwords before the TRIAL expires just incase.

    Really good software. Glad they added the HIDE TOOLBAR feature and made hiding the TOOLBAR automatic from the start, I can’t stand TOOLBARS!

    Thanks Ashraf & Roboform, I just hope a year from now that I can afford to buy a license to continue using this software. Thanks again!

    #4163488 Reply | Quote
    Serious Bob

    Just a suggestion for Ashraf. When you have these Promotional Giveaways, and I don’t know if this is possible, maybe with some vendors, but I think it might sparkle more interest in your site. What I wanted to suggest was when having a giveaway for certain softwares, having a FULLY LICENSED giveaway, or Lifetime license Contest or say random chosen user.

    Just an idea. Thanks for the great promo’s Ashraf, I hope to actually purchase some licenses from your site in the near future, just been in a bit of a pinch here lately where money goes. Thanks again!

    #4168444 Reply | Quote

    IMO, EVERYONE should jump at this offer…. QUICK, FAST AND IN A HURRY. After you read Dennis Nelson’s (innacurate) review, please see @Vickie Rock and my replies.

    — Roboform does not store your Master Password on its servers, so even if they are hacked, your data is not at risk.
    — Your Master Password is never even sent in-the-clear to Roboform. It is encrypted on your computer, sent to Roboform’s servers over SSL where it is used to generate ANOTHER, random, encrypted string that is used during your session. [NOTE: There is a relatively new protocol, SSLv3, being used on the Internet. This has several vulnerabilities and is not as secure as SSLv2. I recommend that you disable its use it in whatever browser(s) you use,and not just for password managers. Many applications make its use available for convenience and compatability, including Roboform.]
    — After the one-year license expires, you can continue to use the application on your desk/laptops and portable devices but you WILL NOT be able to sync with Roboform’s (cloud) servers or your devices with each other automatically. (There is cumbersome way to do it manually.) However, the annual renewal is cheap and anyway, more likely than not, SoS –and others– will have another giveaway before the year is out.

    @Serious Bob – The “Print List” suggestion is good but, after Version 7.1, will not work to import the data into another managerfor exporton. It can still be done but you must “downgrade” to Version 7.1 (ONLY !), export your data by using the “Print List” option and (imortantly!) save as “HTML”. That file can then be imported into most other managers. I have never seen Roboform directly offer a discount or lifetime license. :(

    #4168596 Reply | Quote

    EDIT: @Serios Bob – The correct “downgrade” version is: Version An original Roboform, digitally signed copy is on my OneDrive, here: http://1drv.ms/23EeDtw

    #4171409 Reply | Quote
    Don P

    If I’m not mistaken, and I don’t believe I am, this program is called “RoboForm” because it is supposed to be much more than a password manager. It should fill in all kinds of forms, not just password or registration fields. If it doesn’t do that it is just another password manager… probably a good one, but unfortunately it is not a form filler. I have to pass on this one…

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Reply To: Reply #4160354 in RoboForm Everywhere / Jan 31 2016