Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Safe Disk / Feb 22 2022

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  • #19325182 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Safe Disk? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Safe Disk, post it here! If you know of issues with Safe Disk, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #19326403 Reply | Quote

    I installed it successfully on Win7 64 bit, but when I launch it, I get an error window that says “The application has encountered a problem & needs to close.”
    And when I go to register it, it does not keep the registration.
    And when I go to about, it says version 0.0 Trial.
    So I can’t get this to work.

    #19326614 Reply | Quote
    Bruce Weinstein

    [reply user=’Airwolf’ id=’19326403’Have you run “sfc /scannow”? If not, do it.

    #19326924 Reply | Quote

    I’d like to hear a little more about the comment from Bruce Weinstein.

    For me, I am a little reluctant to use this. I was able to download and install the software in Windows 10 64. I entered the given license number and hit the “ACTIVATE” button and nothing happened. No confirmation, nothing. I checked the “About” menu and it appears to be the Standard v. 1.6 of the software. However, the license number appears nowhere and there is a “Buy Now” item which indicates maybe the activation didn’t work.

    At any rate, unless there is some further clarification on Safe Disk, I will give this one a pass as the last thing I would like to see is being unable to access files, etc. on the ‘safe disk’ in the future.

    #19327529 Reply | Quote

    To give a further update, I was never able to get this to confirm my registration. It did not give me the Standard v.1.6 version of the software. So I went to the publisher’s website & downloaded a trial version of this. I installed it (it wanted to uninstall the other version, & that was no problem), and it activated fine with the correct version #.
    I found out that it will not let you choose directories to encrypt (at least I couldn’t find a way). It wanted only files.
    This was disappointed to me as I want to encrypt a whole directory of information.
    Maybe there is a way to do this, if somebody can point me in the right direction.

    #19328156 Reply | Quote
    Mateus Botelho

    Thank you so much

    #19328578 Reply | Quote

    Hmm, a closed-source Chinese app to hide all my sensitive, confidential files? No, thank you. I’ll stick with Cryptomator, it’s open-source and code is audited by security researchers.

    #19328808 Reply | Quote

    Registration number doesn´t work. Software still unregistered even after the procedures (running as admin, restarting computer, etc).

    #19328809 Reply | Quote

    After installing it says the trial is for 30 days not lifetime. Which is it?

    #19328810 Reply | Quote

    Needs more work/has bugs!
    Instructions followed!
    Program/Safe Disk refuses to activate!

    #19328811 Reply | Quote

    I installed it successfully on Win7 64 bit, but when I launch it, I get an error window that says “The application has encountered a problem & needs to close.”
    And when I go to register it, it does not keep the registration.
    And when I go to about, it says version 0.0 Trial.
    So I can’t get this to work.

    #19332194 Reply | Quote

    I had this same problem
    “Registration number doesn´t work. Software still unregistered even after the procedures (running as admin, restarting computer, etc).”

    If they can’t write a routine to activate their own software, I sure don’t trust them to decrypt what they encrypt.

    Thank you to roofoo for the suggestion to look at Cryptomator. That’s a much better idea.

    #19339487 Reply | Quote

    I cannot activate SafeDisk. I’ve tried everything (all solutions listed on your site)
    After entering the key and clicking the Activate button, the window will close. But when I click the key icon again, the Activate application window opens, with the entered key displayed + a message, that this is a trial version and a link to buy the software.
    I think it will just uninstall.

    #19340378 Reply | Quote

    activation key is not good

    on producer site, this key is for trial


    #19351864 Reply | Quote

    activation key is not work .

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Reply To: Reply #19363475 in Safe Disk / Feb 22 2022