Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Scrivener 2 / Dec 12 2016

  • This topic has 11 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 year ago by Ivan.
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  • #6503710 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Scrivener 2? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Scrivener 2, post it here! If you know of issues with Scrivener 2, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #6503981 Reply | Quote
    Doug Ames

    What’s different from version 1.9.7 released in October?

    #6505778 Reply | Quote

    Has anyone used this as a general idea manager, as opposed to its specific stated goal of book-writing ? I am especially interested in the Research function, which is supposed to gather images, Web pages and other documents.

    #6507847 Reply | Quote

    [@Clairvaux] I am just beginning to use the free version to organize research. In the genealogy world it is commonly used to help organize research.

    #6551857 Reply | Quote

    I am evaluating the trial version right now. One important thing that the publisher acknowledges himself : in its present version, Scrivener is not high DPI aware. This means that if, for instance, you have a modern laptop with a comparatively small screen but a high resolution, or if, like me, you have a 24″ monitor with a regular 1920 x 1200, but have set Windows 7 to display at 150 %, the user interface fonts and icons may be to small to use. Supposedly, this will be corrected at some point in the future.


    I was able to alleviate the problem, up to a point, by changing font sizes in the Preferences menu, but your situation might be different. I highly recommend downloading the trial version first, in order to be sure. It’s a generous offer, since it’s fully functional and limited to 30 days, but that’s 30 days where you have actually launched the software to probe it, not 30 calendar days.

    The manual is very good, and there are thorough video tours, too. Combined with the trial version, it’s a very good way to understand if this quite unique program is tailored to your needs. I has a way of doing things that is quite different from Word-like applications. It also takes more time than might be expected in order to fully understand the method. The time investment is worth it if your work entails a lot of writing, whether you decide to take the plunge or not. The Scrivener community seems very helpful.

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    #20928578 Reply | Quote


    #21223885 Reply | Quote

    Well, you give me a lot of information.

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)
Reply To: Reply #20928578 in Scrivener 2 / Dec 12 2016