Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Simple Data Backup / Jun 24 2022

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  • #19836910 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Simple Data Backup? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Simple Data Backup, post it here! If you know of issues with Simple Data Backup, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #19837332 Reply | Quote
    Chris (Developer)

    I am the developer of this software. The version being offered is the full-featured 10.3 GA version of the software which includes features normally only available in the paid Pro edition of the software. You must be connected to the Internet when first running the software and you must run the software for the first time within the giveaway/offer time period in order for the version to correctly activate (not just running the installer, but the software itself). You will know you are on the right edition of the software if you click the About button and it says “GA Edition”. The software will remain as the GA Edition indefinitely unless you uninstall or upgrade the software. Keep in mind that Simple Data Backup is NOT syncing or drive cloning software, but is solely file-level backup software. I hope you enjoy Simple Data Backup!

    #19838370 Reply | Quote

    You say, “you must run the software for the first time within the giveaway/offer time period in order for the version to correctly activate (not just running the installer, but the software itself.”
    Does this mean that I must create a backup or can I just open the program to the opening screen & then close it?

    #19838859 Reply | Quote
    Chris (Developer)

    Sean, just opening the program to the main screen is sufficient.

    #19838926 Reply | Quote

    Okay, what happens if I have to reimage the computer for some reason?

    #19838941 Reply | Quote

    Developer Chris:
    I’ve been using ROBOCOPY for my data backup which is reliable, fast, and already built into Windows.
    What advantages does SIMPLE DATA BACKUP have over that?

    #19839028 Reply | Quote

    Since this is not the PRO version, what is the difference between this Giveaway version and the free version available at the vendor site?

    #19839120 Reply | Quote
    Chris (Developer)

    dan, per what I shared above, what is being offered contains all the functionality of the Pro edition. This GA edition has the same features as the Pro edition. The only thing is that per the terms of this offer, if you update/upgrade the GA edition in the future, it will revert to the more limited free edition.

    #19839134 Reply | Quote
    Chris (Developer)

    dan, RoboCopy is a command-line utility and SDB besides being a GUI program offers many more features than RoboCopy, including being able to back up in-use files, scheduling, back up to password-protected ZIP or 7z files, back up to the Internet, allow you to potentially view back up status from any Internet connected device or via email/cell phone SMS, and much more. All RoboCopy is is basically a glorified DOS xcopy.

    #19839142 Reply | Quote
    Chris (Developer)

    Jim, Simple Data Backup is not drive cloning software but folder/file-level backup software. It was intended to keep backups of key folders of data. While it can possibly be used for full-drive backups, that was never its original intent and it only operates on the folder/file-level. There are restore options in Simple Data Backup to be able to restore your data from the backup if your source drive has to be replaced etc. However, this presumes that the drive which has Windows and Simple Data Backup on it is available and if not, you may need to first install Windows and SDB on such a drive to be able to access the catastrophic restore options to restore your data.

    #19839245 Reply | Quote

    @Chris (Developer)
    While I agree, that robocopy is NOT a backup program in the common sense. And even more, that it can not use zip or 7zip to create archives, updating them and so on…
    I disagree in the point, that it seems, that you do not really know (or ignore) the real power of robocopy: Just let me mention the parameters /MIR, /MON:n, MOT:m as some of the many mighty parameters to steer robocopy, and that it can even “mirror” (in (almost) real time!!!) a complete hard drive and can control lots of possible scenarios for backing up or mirroring your files in depth…

    #19839370 Reply | Quote
    Chris (Developer)

    wosa, there’s lots of backup and copying related tools out there including Robocopy. Robocopy is a command-line tool that fundamentally only appeals to a certain degree of people – not everybody wants to fool around with command-lines and try to figure out basic settings to get their data backed up and custom set up schedules and all that. Simple Data Backup is GUI backup software that is simple to use and offers a number of other features that Robocopy does not as a built-in part of the process. Like any software, Robocopy is just a tool. If it works for you and what you want to do, great. Simple Data Backup is also a tool that appeals to others and it offers plenty that Robocopy does not. I would never say there’s not a place for Robocopy and I never dismissed it. It is basically a much more powerful version of the DOS xcopy command and that is a true statement. There’s a place for that. But that doesn’t mean it’s for everybody. That’s why there’s choice and why programs like Simple Data Backup exist.

    #19840086 Reply | Quote

    @Chris (Developer)

    … I never doubted this
    And I always suggested more elaborated tools – like yours to others…
    Especially tools, that are convenient to handle and easy to understand. (Which is not at all the case for the overwhelming majority of Microsoft´s tools :-)…)

    #19841786 Reply | Quote

    To developer Chris,
    Is it possible to install the program on a flash drive?

    #19842264 Reply | Quote
    Chris (Developer)

    Cheril, no not really. I mean you could run the installer and install the program itself to a flash drive but it will still see its data folder as being under your user profile so there’s not really a point to doing that.

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