Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Smoother AI: boost video frame rate up to 60 FPS with artificial intelligence / Apr 9 2022

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  • #19572653 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Smoother AI: boost video frame rate up to 60 FPS with artificial intelligence? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Smoother AI: boost video frame rate up to 60 FPS with artificial intelligence, post it here! If you know of issues with Smoother AI: boost video frame rate up to 60 FPS with artificial intelligence, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #19573408 Reply | Quote

    i get invalid serial number

    #19573487 Reply | Quote

    Will not download.

    #19573523 Reply | Quote
    Brian Hughes

    All a bit odd. I also got an invalid serial, tried twice, but also got an email saying I needed to register. I followed all the instructions and ended up with Dvdfab12 on my PC. I clicked authorise as per instructions and ended up with a dozen or so trials, and the “smootherai” showing authorised, plus something else.
    No sign of it when I ran DvdFab12, so after a bit of messing I have left it to see if somebody else has more luck.
    I will deinstall in a few days, but it is looking at the moment as a way of getting you to install a load of trials on your pc, no clue how to run just the authorised program to improve games, perhaps if somebody finds a way they can let me know.

    #19573540 Reply | Quote

    It will mot install invalid info

    #19573652 Reply | Quote
    Bian Hughes

    More info. See my previous post. I was sent an email with a link to registering as a member, which did in the earlier steps. I found this portal again, and had a look at my account, and sure enough, the smoother faster FPS program was shown as authorised, but only the main DVDfab12 was showing on my PC. I searched and found the download free trial of this new program on their site, so downloaded it in excitement, and installed it. It was just another copy of the DvdFab12 main program already had. Maybe I am just stupid, but nowhere can I find the free software.
    Not very impressed.

    #19573659 Reply | Quote
    Owen Biewahn

    Nothing downloads. Goes through the process but nothing downloads. Crappy convoluted registration process as well.

    #19573930 Reply | Quote

    Update to my previous post. I had to go to the link in my email after registration to get the software. But it only installs DVDFAB 12 & no mention of the Smoother AI anywhere except in the window that pops up saying I have it authorized.
    I don’t know how to get the Smoother AI & it doesn’t show up anywhere.
    I sure as heck am not a novice on a computer since I have been working on them since the 80’s.
    And their registration process is like Owen said…very convoluted.
    Why in the world do they make the registration process so difficult & why can’t they just make it simple?
    It seems that everyone nowadays wants to make things harder to do & that just turns people off.

    #19574017 Reply | Quote

    Will download, but when you open download, nothing happens.

    #19575016 Reply | Quote

    Same as everyone else, I get to the point of running the installer (I chose the 64 bit version) and then it pretends to download something but the installer closes and nothing else happens. I followed the instructions to a Tee and it just doesn’t work.

    #19575149 Reply | Quote

    This DEFINITELY does not install. Downloader shows progress completed, but when you click install now, it immediately closes. Also will not save the installation file to your computer if you select this option. Does not work.

    #19575180 Reply | Quote

    Just to circle back. I tried downloading the installer from the vendor’s site and it says the serial number posted above is INVALID. Now I have to uninstall this demo app.

    #19576028 Reply | Quote

    What kind of artificial intelligence is this, in such an elementary program !?
    And why you continue to abuse this concept. . .

    #19576033 Reply | Quote
    Lez Ford

    an unholy mess of downloads/installs, avoid

    #19576401 Reply | Quote

    Why is the person that made this software not here helping us out, this will make them look bad for future
    purchases i know i would not buy anything from them in the future.

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Reply To: Reply #19583909 in Smoother AI: boost video frame rate up to 60 FPS with artificial intelligence / Apr 9 2022