Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Soft Organizer Pro / Dec 27 2019

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  • #14754654 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Soft Organizer Pro? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Soft Organizer Pro, post it here! If you know of issues with Soft Organizer Pro, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #14755270 Reply | Quote

    Спасибо за предоставленную возможность пользоваться Soft Organizer Pro! Программа нравится. Буду рад и в дальнейшем пользоваться этой программой.Я пенсионер, пользоваться платными программами нет возможности.Ещё раз, СПАСИБО !

    #14756156 Reply | Quote


    Спасибо,за Ваши предоставленные программы!

    С уважением,Сергей.

    #14756163 Reply | Quote

    Thank you for this give away today as I have used it for quite sometime and really appreciate to be able to get the latest version. I feel that it does what it claims to do without effort on my part. I use the tracing feature quite often and the uninstall is so much better than windows uninstall. To be able to click on a button at the top to see all the large applications installed or even the most recent items is also helpful. The ratings feature of each item installed is also helpful.
    Thanks again Ashraf!

    #14758464 Reply | Quote

    I am puzzled by the strange behavior of the program noted by poster CAIT who (the poster) stated that:
    “This software checked for updates to my program. When I went to update my Adobe Flash Player, it took me to a RUSSIAN site. I did not proceed, but went manually to Adobe to check…My Flash Player was up to date. Scared me big time, Uninstalled this program immediately with Revo”.

    Any thoughts on that finding will be much appreciated, because I am tempted to get this program.

    Thanks in advance.

    #14758919 Reply | Quote

    Thanks Ashraf for another great giveaway. Soft Organizer is excellent piece of software.
    Best regards

    #14761229 Reply | Quote

    Logiciel très connu, fiable, et possède des fonctionnalités utiles.


    #14763292 Reply | Quote
    d adams

    This is a good program and I have used it in the past. My concern is what happens when it updates annd we are left behind because we can not update our program?

    #14764309 Reply | Quote

    Does anyone know if this version works on Windows Vista?

    They had version 7.46 of this program on ‘Give Away Of The Day’ a while back and although I missed out on downloading it… the requirements for v7.46 stated that it could be installed on Windows XP thru 10.

    Also, does it not bother anyone else that the program (if left on it’s default setting) monitors EVERY single program you choose to uninstall from your computer within a certain time frame, sends that info back to the company and then SHARES that information with EVERYONE ELSE who uses the program?

    I personally would prefer to keep fully private what I choose to install or uninstall from my PC!

    Does no one else consider it an invasion of privacy when a company actively monitors what you’re doing on your computer, then transfers and re-transmits that information to others?

    In anycase… I would like to know if this version will work on Windows Vista or not.

    #14918478 Reply | Quote

    Impossible to activate with the installer and the KEY sent to my mail.

    It does not matter if you do Copy & Part or write it manually ALWAYS says that the serial is not correct …..

    I need a solution please …

    #15199435 Reply | Quote

    Impossible to activate with the sended key.

    I try 4 PC’s and the activation it’s impossible.

    The software always says the serial is incorrect (i try Copy&Paste and manual type).

    Any soluction?

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Reply To: Reply #14764309 in Soft Organizer Pro / Dec 27 2019