Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion SoftOrbits Screen Recorder / Sep 21 2024

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  • #22692744 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about SoftOrbits Screen Recorder? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than SoftOrbits Screen Recorder, post it here! If you know of issues with SoftOrbits Screen Recorder, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #22692841 Reply | Quote
    al gerard

    Impossible to register, no KEY icon from within the main program window
    Thanks for help

    #22693447 Reply | Quote

    Advertised as v 1.2 which ( should ) work on Win7 platform; however download is “v 1.3 for Windows 11”!
    Seemed to install successfully BUT there is no response when clicking on the desktop icon = cannot run the programme.
    Am I missing the point somehow, or should I uninstall this because it is actually incompatible with Win7?

    #22693451 Reply | Quote

    Advertised as v 1.2 which ( should ) work on Win7 platform; however download is “v 1.3 for Windows 11”!
    Seemed to install successfully BUT there is no response when clicking on the desktop icon = cannot run the programme.
    Am I missing the point somehow, or should I uninstall this because it is actually incompatible with Win7?

    #22693661 Reply | Quote

    Yes is v1.3 even though after registering it will show “Update to v1.2” lol. Anyway installed Win 11 Pro and first run shows F10 in use, error. Ok press on. Icon on taskbar. Hover. See bunch stuff. 2 round blue circles. Left is cart (Capture), to right KEY. Hover, click. Nada. Get frustrated. Want uninstall.
    First dig into User location. Then click the Move. EXIT. Before uninstall try once more. Launch & this time appears upper right corner of desktop. Hover KEY & says Register. Click & 2 fields for SOS code and your email addy. Says Thanks. All good. Maybe have to close/rerun? Also maybe if have several SoftOrbits programs already registered, this one gets confused.
    Configure button lets you reassign Hotkeys like default F10. I used the Assign & PrtScn combo since PetScn is use. Can set where & how saves go. Can be disk, clipboard, imageeditor, etc. Quite lot options Mic, WebCam. Didn’t see any way to actually Not Run so prob need Task Manager to prevent that but its small & probably want it available other than from desktop icon. I still use some down & dirty fast save old school one. But this guy has mondo extras for stills, videos, sounds like quality & size sliders. So hope this helps. Could have been easier if KEY worked first time!

    #22694016 Reply | Quote

    [@al gerard] There is indeed a key icon if you look long and hard like I did! Hint: it’s just above the small group of icons.

    #22694017 Reply | Quote

    [@al gerard] There is indeed a key icon if you look long and hard like I did! Hint: it’s just above the small group of icons.

    #22694061 Reply | Quote

    Impossible to registrate the program. dan geust said that the sign of the key is. Where??? Give to us a screen of it. Because I do not have no one. So,pls screenshrot where? And as it seems to me. Any who installed this program to comp system cannot have registration and only spent time. If I do not right – give me screenshort where a key for registration.

    #22694065 Reply | Quote

    upper the group of icon is sing of “setting” in my program. No any key in it.

    #22694145 Reply | Quote

    Soft Orbit I respect your company and love a lot of your programs. I am interested in this screen-video-recoarder. But I really cannot registrate this one. Give us, pls, possibility to reagistrate and to use it.

    #22694212 Reply | Quote

    I did get it to register by clicking on the top right icon, which brings up the register box . However even though it said installing english , everthing looks like it is in spanish, not english. will try re install.

    #22694234 Reply | Quote

    Thanks, Ashraf!

    #22694404 Reply | Quote

    For me the registration is OK, but… it records… nothing ! the file seems to be created but the duration is 00mn000s !
    Time spend for nothing, it doesn’t work .

    #22694405 Reply | Quote

    For me the registration is OK, but… it records… nothing ! the file seems to be created but the duration is 00mn000s !
    Time spend for nothing, it doesn’t work .

    #22696328 Reply | Quote


    I had the same problem. When you run the program, there will be a box that opens, probably on the top right of your screen. Look ABOVE the X and the key iconis there. It’s easy to overlook. Hope this helps.

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Reply To: SoftOrbits Screen Recorder / Sep 21 2024