Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Syncplify.me Server! PROFESSIONAL / Apr 27 2016

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  • #4822824 Reply | Quote
    Fjodr Soyevskji

    I’ve tried to run the wizard but keeps saying access denied code 5

    Heather, what OS are you running the software on? Is it up to date with all service packs and hot-fixes officially released by Microsoft? What antivirus are you running? An error code 5 (access denied) comes from the operating system, not from the software itself, we simply display it.

    #4823476 Reply | Quote

    I received the same error as Ivan (Method ‘GloballyOpenPortsRemoveAdd’ not supported by automation object.) so I opened the list of ports shown in the response to Ivan, but clicking on Finish afterwards gets the same error. My only other options are Back and Cancel. Back goes back to the IP/port choice, then password entry, then again, the Finish option, which still has the same error. The PC is up-to-date, and runs other software just fine. What steps should be taken after entering the port list in the Firewall to be able to use the software? A clarification would be helpful.

    #4824941 Reply | Quote

    Nice Deal, thanks for sharing!

    #4827775 Reply | Quote

    This webpage is not available


    Tested on two browsers, temporarily allowed all connections via firewall. Please advise.

    #4827936 Reply | Quote
    Fjodr Soyevskji

    This webpage is not available
    Tested on two browsers, temporarily allowed all connections via firewall. Please advise.

    Maybe this KB article can be helpful http://kb.syncplify.me/https-connection-not-private-not-secure-what-it-is/ – otherwise there may be problems with the HTTP.SYS driver on your operating system.

    #4828296 Reply | Quote

    [@Fjodr Soyevskji]
    Had no warnings at all.
    Being OS win8.1, what nature of problems a .sys driver could be…?

    #4828366 Reply | Quote

    The downloaded setup binaries’ digital signatures are (quote) “not valid”.
    The certs themselves and certification paths appear to be fine.
    It just looks like the signatures do not match the actual downloaded content of the SMServer_*_Setup.exe files.

    Are they infected?
    Or is it because Syncplify.me isn’t being diligent with signing?

    SMServer_x32_Setup.exe: v4.0.16.416, 104’632’408 bytes, signed today by “Syncplify, Inc.” (thumbprint 38 24 2c e4 c9 c9 74 91 96 ed d0 74 a9 62 56 6d d5 a3 e6 72), SHA-1 of the whole file 0060A481B7274E6558D559CC27895AC870EEDF5C.
    The other *_Setup.exe files’ signatures don’t verify either, but I think one example is enough.

    So, is it a legit Syncplify.me Server installer, or not?

    #4834525 Reply | Quote

    I was able to do everything but input the license. It allowed me to input the license key as an “offline” but continues to list it as “unregistered’ and “free for personal use”. Need help to input correct license.

Viewing 8 posts - 16 through 23 (of 23 total)
Reply To: Reply #4819124 in Syncplify.me Server! PROFESSIONAL / Apr 27 2016