Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion TorrentSafe Premium / May 24 2017

  • This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by teston.
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  • #8001529 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about TorrentSafe Premium? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than TorrentSafe Premium, post it here! If you know of issues with TorrentSafe Premium, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #8027823 Reply | Quote
    Neil Cronje

    SharewareonSale has advertised Torrentsafe Premium download with a free licence.
    I have beentrying to get both the download and the licence but to no avail.

    Uh-oh, lots of traffic caused a problem when generating your key! Please try again. Apologies for the inconvenience.”

    comes up all the time.

    Could you please help
    CJ Cronje

    #8029669 Reply | Quote

    Also tried multiple times over the past two days, still no key. Any help with this?

    #8043459 Reply | Quote

    [@Neil Cronje] [@David] Please try now and let me know if you still have a problem.

    #8043740 Reply | Quote

    First off, license worked for me right away. So no issues there.

    However, after I went to the site, I figured I would start out easy, not use any of my private trackers. So I searched for something easy, something with enough seeders (43) and a small file. So I decided to download a simple 12mb PDF, which I have a physical copy of. At first, it said pending. Went so far as to look like it was downloading. Went back to pending, and has sat for a few days back in its pending mode, in my library.

    Suffice it to say, it didn’t work for me, for a small file with enough seeders to download. I of course will try again, but a seedbox, this is not. So far, a poor imitation of one.

    #8055569 Reply | Quote
    Amy Pag

    I get error are you sure you wanted to do that every time I try to comment. Windows 7 Home Premium, Google Chrome Version 58.0.3029.110. No problems on any other site.

    #8055581 Reply | Quote
    Amy Pag

    Trying again without HTML:
    This does not work. I had no problem at all with the license, but the torrents do not download. I tried it without a VPN and with, just to make sure the IP isn’t blocked by Comcast. it made no difference.
    Perhaps this works for people who download music, tv shows, etc but I download audiobooks, which have fewer seeders — BUT STILL PLENTY. These torrents work just fine in a desktop client. I even tried it with a James Patterson book I didn’t feel like listening to but knew was a super-fast download.
    I have to wonder if the positive feedback on this is from the developers’ friends.

    PS — I wrote to customer support 24 hours ago and didn’t even get an autoreply. And thanks, Ashraf — I usually enjoy the software from this site and always appreciate your efforts.

    #8074699 Reply | Quote

    Thx good site.
    plz tell me how to stop seeding? or when stop seeding?

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
Reply To: Reply #8029669 in TorrentSafe Premium / May 24 2017