Home › Forums › SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion › VSDC Video Editor PRO / Mar 2 2018
- This topic has 34 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 7 months ago by
GuestСпасибо, в самом редакторе еще не разбиралась, но мне нравится! Как раз для монтирования роликов на youtube!
Guest[@Gary] Hello, one year after “when purchased”
Guest[@grzegorz] Hello, thank you for your detailed feedback. We’re doing our best to improve the performance. As for the Help manual, please, send a message to [email protected]
GuestWorked like a charm, thanks a lot. Even it goes back to free next year, there will certainly be another giveaway 2019.
GuestThe license works, but please add in the future the Polish language.
Guest[@Alfred] Thank you! But $19.99 is much more affordable than other editors in the segment ;)
Guestthis is so cool! thank you very much! can’t believe you do it for free! thank you guys!
Guest[@grzegorz] If you want a lifetime license, then you can find it for like 30 bucks. You just need to make a quick search for it because it’s not been offered directly on the website and i don’t want to advertise another site but it does exist.
Philip Tishberg
Hi Gary,
I have been in IT Service Management (specifically IT Asset Management) for over 20 years and I believe that I can perhaps shed some light on your query regarding the software license that is accepted during the registration process.
The End User License Agreement (commonly called the EULA – pronounced youlaah) is what anyone installing any software for their use has to accept prior to the software installing with activation following thereafter. Many people just click right on it without actually reading it. But you should. It is the binding contract between the software developer /owner –of the intellectual property that you are about to install and you – and your use of the leased software that you are bound to terms to agree to in this contract. All software is set up this way – thanks to Bill Gates idea that you never own software you purchase a right to use it and those rights are defined in many different ways from all vendors at all levels (IBM alone has 200 types of licensing arrangements of their over 22,000 software titles to give you a macro perspective.)
In this specific case, what I read from the EULA, which will not take space here to re-paste it is that the install is a free video editor that you can install on a PC for one user with an additional copy for backup, not for another user. Many people interpret this also to mean, I can put it on my laptop and my desktop, which you can as long as you are the only user of both devices and you are not using both devices with a single license at the same time. Got that. Ok next.
If you want to have the PRO version, which Ashraf makes very generously available to us through SOS until today, then you get the 1 year Pro subscription of the software that is a normal S&S charge (support and service subscription) that many vendors use for license renewal. Note that also many vendors only allow new software to be purchased with support and subscription so that the support (whether multiple levels or the single level of support) is included along with the ability to stay on the current version, including release, patches, etc.
When that S&S charge expires, usually 1 year FROM THE DATE OF PURCHSE, {(not install or turn on or delivery date) – always the PURCHASE date (unless you buy a 100 pack and want a “Date Driven Key Metric” applied to initiate license renewal – mind you a major IT asset management headache so advising not to should that issue ever arise)} THEN you can get another year of JUST S&S without having to buy a new license; that this S&S I believe for the pro version of this software is $20. Should you want to stay on the current version for the software, you are free to do that but without support or subscription for new features, updates.
I believe what you really are asking is that at the 1-year mark, will the Pro features suddenly disappear leaving you with a product shell that is basically the free version without all of the pro features.
I don’t have access to the code or the developer’s mind to ask that question, however since you do have a year of PRO support, I’d recommend taking the high road by sending an email to support asking about that specific last point I have made; Whether the Pro features will remain if you do not upgrade or request support or that it will not matter in any way because after 1 year the product reverts to free version and/or locks the Pro features from being used without the additional S&S charge being paid on your existing license.
I hope that when you do find out, you could post your findings about this specific topic to this forum and have a closure point on this issue for all of us to know what the vendor has in mind for the default action that will occur in 365 days from now or whenever you downloaded and installed the product and accepted the product license terms and condition of the agreement. (Specifically in this case that is your purchase date since it was a free product needing an install by a certain date (the activation date is, therefore, the trigger for the purchase date and hence its renewal date for the length of the term agreed to in the EULA.)
Can I convert a video clip (.mkv, 720p) downloaded from
internet and burn to a DVD (480p)to play in a stand alone DVD player without quality loss ?
Guest[@grzegorz] Hello, thank you for your detailed feedback. We’re doing our best to improve the performance. As for the Help manual, please, send a message to [email protected]
Thank you for your answer. As a VSDC Free user, I made a film about my problem
VSDC Free Video Editor v 5.8.1 (64 and 32bit) vs v 5.7.8 32bit Speed edit problem comparasion.
and I wrote several messages to your support department. Check out the correspondence with grzegorz ……. n @ …… com
I am still waiting for the improvement of the speed of action and gave some of my suggestions to add some features that will help in the video editing with VSDC.Thank you for adding “Set cursor position”.
Now I hope and look forward to adding
(I suggest adding the “Open folder containing” option in “Objects explorer” and “Resource window”)
and improved hardware acceleration (I sent an e-mail) that I always wanted to test in VSDC, and the current promotion allowed me to do it.A very nice program. It has its advantages and disadvantages compared to the competition. In the Free and PRO versions you can do a lot, even as an ordinary, unproblematic user.
VSDC supports many audio and video formats, and the FREE version does not put visible stupid watermark, lettering or advertisement.
If you manage to improve the speed (large files> 3 GB) of the editor and improve HW acceleration, it will be great.I still have a suggestion regarding the preview player, the video header on the timeline. I mean syncing them, but I’ll write it in an email. I saw a similar thread on the videohelp forum. I would like to remind you again about the need to add a Polish language version;)
Can you make an instructional video about principles, operation and work with layers?
Agostinho Barbosa Pereira
GuestO comentário que quero deixar é que a oferta do VSDC Video Editor PRO não se consegue concretizar. Já fiz algumas tentativas e desisti. Quando se instala e se pretende registar com a chave fornecida não se consegue. Remete-nos do PRO para o Free. Isso não é oferta nenhuma.
GuestVocê deve escrever isso em inglês. Você pode usar o tradutor do google tradutor ou o bing translate etc.
Seu problema é provavelmente um erro. Para mim e muitas outras pessoas, tudo correu bem. Se alguém tiver problemas, entre em contato com o suporte técnico.
[email protected]
Na página anterior, alguém teve um problema semelhante e foi encaminhado para o suporte técnico.david
GuestThanks, Ashraf!
GuestThank you. A good program offer VSDC.
Installed and registered/activated fine and is working, no problems.
Thanks, Ashraf. Thanks SoS. -