Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion VSDC Video Editor PRO / Mar 2 2018

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  • #10542058 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about VSDC Video Editor PRO? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than VSDC Video Editor PRO, post it here! If you know of issues with VSDC Video Editor PRO, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #10542512 Reply | Quote

    Wow what a great giveaway!
    The software looks fantastic and includes so many good features.
    I cant wait to start trying each and every option of the program.

    Thanks so much for the Giveaway!
    Thanks to the Devs for Giveaway!

    #10544163 Reply | Quote

    The software looks great in the screenshot! I’m wondering about the terms and conditions though. What happens after one year? Does the software stop working?

    #10544938 Reply | Quote

    Thanks Ashraf for the great giveaway.
    Best regards

    #10545948 Reply | Quote

    After install (on 64bit Win10Pro), couldn’t launch it; i got error message 0xc000007b.
    Reinstalled twice, the same error

    #10546106 Reply | Quote

    [@Osarok] Hello, it will roll back to a free version

    #10546117 Reply | Quote

    [@mmishasin] Hello, please, send a message to support@videosoftdev.com

    #10546994 Reply | Quote

    The product stopped working upon installation and initialization I have windows vista 64 bit

    #10547286 Reply | Quote

    [@Carl] Hello, please, send a message to support@videosoftdev.com

    #10548790 Reply | Quote


    Even if the Pro edition is purchased, it also will turn into the free edition one year after it is installed, is that correct? I do mean “when installed” as opposed to “when purchased.”

    #10553154 Reply | Quote

    Finally, I managed to catch a promotion on VSDC Pro. Now, without time pressure, I will get acquainted with the extended functions of this editor because, for example, two weeks for testing is not enough time, and here I have a whole year.

    I met VSDC about six months ago, probably on youtube or at dobreprogramy.pl
    I record movies very rarely and do short, small and uncomplicated films with basic editions, but sometimes I have an idea or I want to check some of the options that inspired me from, for example, the YouTube VSDC channel.

    The VSDC editor is now more stable than before but for me it has lost on editing speed (e.g., cutting a movie that is more than 3 GB) from the moment the 64 bit version is released. Then the 32 bit version also got sick. Unfortunately, Polish is a bit lacking. This is important for very young people (children, teenagers) and such old horses as me.

    The interface and method of working with the program requires getting used to it because it is … different and some people reject it but if you get used to it and learn the rules, over time and gaining experience is OK. The instructional videos and how-to videos on the VSDC website are a lot of help http://www.videosoftdev.com/how-to-use-free-video-editor
    which I throw into the translator.

    Is the user’s manual available in this promotional edition? Does the user’s manual allow you to copy text to the clipboard and paste it into an online translator? Unfortunately, I often have to use online translators.

    Thx \ TY

    #10558771 Reply | Quote

    This is license for 1 year

    #10558819 Reply | Quote

    On the right side you have regulations. Regardless of the form of purchase, the license is valid for a year.

    Terms and Conditions

    This is a 2-computer 1-year license, for noncommercial use
    You get free updates for one year

    You get free tech support
    You must redeem the license key before this offer has ended
    May not be resold

    #10559065 Reply | Quote

    Thanks for trying to help out but my question is to the developer, who is the only one that can adequately answer my question.

    I understand the offer here on Sharewareonsale is for one year, and that it reverts to the free edition after one year, and that the program on Sharewareonsale has to be activated during the promotion period, and that it cannot be updated for more than one year. My question does not pertain to the Sharewareonsale offer, but instead for the program when purchased as a paid for product.

    As I understand it, regardless of how the product is purchased, the license is a one year license. The developer is clearly selling a subscription instead of a regular software license to use the program from that point on. Developers generally assume that the purchaser will install a short time after a purchase, but that is not always the case, especially when the item is not needed immediately.

    What I am asking is if the program is purchased (money spent), what initiates the one year? Is it when it is purchased, or when it is activated, and in addition, confirming whether the purchased edition reverts to the free edition, the same as the one offered on Sharewareonsale. After the year is up, does the program stop working entirely or does it change to have the capabilities of the free edition, and if that year starts when the program is purchased or when it is activated.

    When VSDC has been offered for sale at other locations, the Fine Print has stated that the program can be installed/activated at any time. Does the developer allow one year of use after the program is installed, or do they attempt to base the license on when the program was purchased, even though the program was not installed until much later, or even after a year, or not at all. I know that sounds ridiculous in one sense, but there have been cases where developers attempted to do exactly that, and in doing so, the purchaser has spent money intended for one year of use but did not receive a full year of use, or none at all. Thus far, I have had two occurrences where developers attempted to do exactly that, going so far as to charge my credit card for another year of subscription, even when it was never specified that the original purchase was a subscription. Thankfully, they refunded, and did allow the year of use when it was pointed out to them. That is a hassle I had rather avoid, and I do not wish to support those types of products.

    While it is understandable that the edition of the VSDC editor given away on Sharewareonsale might revert to the free edition after one year from the date of the giveaway period, it would not make sense for the “money paid purchased” edition to also revert to a free edition one year from the date of purchase, or even one year from activation, but from what I can tell, the developer of VSDC is claiming that users are purchasing a license as a subscription to use the program for one year. After that, they have to purchase it again to continue using it. It is not clear when that one year starts, or what exactly happens after the year is up. Does the program continue to work but like the free edition, or does it not work at all, instead informing the user that their subscription is up.

    I have several other video editors, and none of them revert to a free edition at any time in the future. They continue to function with the same features they did when they were originally installed and activated. If VSDC did the same, it would be much more appealing.

    So hopefully, you can see now that this question needs to be answered by the developer. It is an import part of a purchase decision.

    #10562042 Reply | Quote

    I fully understand your problem and the way of reasoning.

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Reply To: Reply #10571167 in VSDC Video Editor PRO / Mar 2 2018