Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Windscribe VPN SE / Jun 30 2016

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  • #5167414 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Windscribe VPN SE? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Windscribe VPN SE, post it here! If you know of issues with Windscribe VPN SE, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #5168480 Reply | Quote

    It give me “Invalid promo code”

    Thank you

    #5168917 Reply | Quote

    I don’y know what went wrong. When I tried to turn on WINDSCRIBE VPN SE it doesn’t connect to servers ( I tried US and German servers but it doesn’t connect.So I guess I can’t use it. PS. I did the requested steps so I got the 50 GB usage.

    #5169173 Reply | Quote

    [ @Ashraf] The download and installation directions given on this website did not exactly reflect my experience. Where it says “Before you submit the form, click “Have a Voucher?” and enter your voucher code in the box that appears. Now submit the form.” on this sites instructions I only had a ‘get Free account’ button to click on. I did click on it and got taken to a page which showed my account as being a ’50GB’ one.

    Referring to the post above that mentions the ‘Invalid promo code’ I saw that too. After clicking on the ‘Get free account” button the page that came up did not show the ’50Gb’ status at first so I tried clicking on ‘Claim voucher’ and entering the voucher code I received from SOS which led to the ‘Invalid voucher code’ message. this disappeared and I then had a box ith ’50Gb’ showing. a bit confusing and different to what I expected but I go there in the end.

    Initial use of Windscribe seems to give me similar speeds to other VPNs I’ve used with a local server.

    #5169489 Reply | Quote

    Thank you for the great work!

    #5169596 Reply | Quote

    Windscribe worked great for me. Will probably upgrade to a paid plan if this keeps up!

    #5170987 Reply | Quote

    I am pretty happy with Torguard and just paid my annual subscription fee, but I am intrigued by this one.

    How does the 50 gb limit work and what happens once you reach that limit?

    I am finding myself zapped out of a number of websites when my VPN–assigned ip address is used. Is this a problem with Windscribe?

    The slower speeds (reduced by half!!) are a concern with all VPNs, but this seems a bit much.

    Does this VPN maintain logs?

    Thank you

    #5172767 Reply | Quote

    Thank you. I’ll test>>

    #5173262 Reply | Quote

    No, no logs as per https://windscribe.com/privacy (no legalese!)

    #5174118 Reply | Quote

    Three comments:
    1. Windscribe is superb.
    2. Insulting a developer who makes your site worth visiting with a condescending 3-star review isn’t going to get you very far.
    3. My review posts never get past you so in future, I’ll just take the software and run.

    #5174596 Reply | Quote

    [@Xoco] Not sure what you are talking about. We approve all reviews. If a review is actually a comment and not a review, I push it to here in bbpress.

    #5175951 Reply | Quote

    Thank you for the great work,I love it.
    I can now get BBC iplayer from Thailand.
    Thank`s again.
    A very happy bunny.

    #5180118 Reply | Quote

    Thanks Ashraf for another useful giveaway.
    Best regards

    #5181224 Reply | Quote

    I installed windscribe as directed. I managed to register and got my 50 Gb . But the the installed software never connects to ANY of the few servers available. So I hope others have better luck with this because I couldn’t use, so it was just a waste of time. I also uninstalled a working VPN service to use this one….

    #5181226 Reply | Quote

    thanks windscribe

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 38 total)
Reply To: Reply #5215004 in Windscribe VPN SE / Jun 30 2016