je voie que vous offre sont devenu gênant de jour en jour je veux installer un logiciel juste un logiciel
pas le site qui soutien le logiciel pour cela je ne télécharge pas..merci
They need to provide test results for any anti malware software before introducing it to the public. I do not wish to be your tester, not when it comes to software such as this.
Someone else said it is effective but didn’t say why or how, just repeating what they read?
This sounds good but is worthless without proof. Not trying to be negative just pointing out the obvious in case someone missed it.
I just got a new computer and am trying to get it protected. I have avast, and I hope this will provide an additional layer of protection. Someone I know recently got hit by ransomware, and I definitely don’t want to get stuck with that!
probando, hasta ahora parece que es buen anti-malware, espero que no sea como la mayoría, que funcionan un rato y después filtra malware escondidos, por ahora le doy 100% funcionando.