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Download Best Brain Health Guide Now


The brain is an important organ in our body. We should keep it healthy by eating and drinking the right food, exercise, sleep well and avoid stress in our social life.

In so doing we minimise the risk of memory loss or getting dementia or Alzheimer's disease.

They say you are what you eat. Food rich in antixoidants can help to minimise the harmful effects of oxidation in the brain.

Hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression and smoking can cause the risk of getting dementia.

Hair loss or baldness is also known as alopecia. You can notice that on the loss of hair on some parts of the head or body. It is a problem for some men as well as women. As we grow older hair loss is a common problem by thinning of the hair.

There are treaments for this condition in products, surgery of simply put healthy foods. Research shows that there are ways to reverse thinning of the hair through diatary changes in the use of essential vitamins and mineral.

Foods like samon, honey, nuts, spinache, oysters, oils and much more can help reverse baldness.

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