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Getting a little stressed about a job interview is completely natural. Interviews for programming jobs are a bit different, however, and it’s important to plan accordingly so you have all of your many bases covered. This immersive course was compiled by a team that has conducted hundreds of technical interviews at Google and Flipkart, and will give you not just interview tips, but an in-depth review of all the programming knowledge you’ll need to ace any programming interview.

  • Access 83 lectures & 20.5 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn how to approach & prepare for coding interviews
  • Understand pointer concepts & memory management at a deep & fundamental level
  • Tackle a wide variety of linked list problems & know how to answer linked list questions in interviews
  • Master a variety of general programming problems that may come up in an interview
  • Visualize how common sorting & searching algorithms work
  • Gain step-by-step solutions to dozens of programming problems from Game of Life to Sudoku Validator & more

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