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Download Bully Genie Check ‘N’ Now


Bully Genie Check 'N' (Check 'N') is an inexpensive and easy-to-use app designed to help people stay connected with friends and family by sending an auto-composed text message. Utilizing an Android smartphone's Texting and Location services, a text alert message can be triggered to broadcast to as many as three recipients. The text alert will include the Check 'N' text message frequency, an "Everything Is OK " message, as well as the location of the sender when a GPS signal is recognized.

Based on the frequency you choose (every 1 to 240 minutes) the app will prompt you, via the Notification Alert feature, to send an auto-composed Bully Genie Check 'N' text message. When the Check 'N' Notification Alert appears, it will be accompanied by the notification sound. The sound will continue for 1 - 10 minutes, depending upon your profile setting, until you swipe down on the screen and click on the Check 'N' Notification Alert which will then displays the Password screen. The Password screen is what allows you to send the auto-composed Check 'N' text message. If you do not click on the alert within the allowed time, the app will automatically begin to send Missed Check 'N' alert text messages and when possible, your location. The Missed Check 'N' alert will broadcast every 1 - 5 minutes until either check-in occurs, the app is terminated, or the battery is fully drained.
This easy-to-use app only requires the user to customize the Profile:

- Phone # 1: (Required: Cell Phone number of the 1st recipient ... must be 10 digits).

- Phone # 2: (Optional: 2nd recipient Cell Phone number).

- Phone # 3: (Optional: 3rd recipient Cell Phone number).

- Frequency: (Required: Number of minutes between Check 'N' notification alerts ... up to 240. So, for example, if you want to be prompted to send a Check 'N' text alert every hour, you would set the Frequency to 60).

- Password: (Optional: Numeric 4 digit password for changing profile and terminating app. If you choose not to create a 4-digit password, the password will be blank).

- Alarm Stop: (Required: Number of minutes to wait before auto Missed Check 'N' alerts begin if you fail to send a Check 'N' text ... from 1 - 10 minutes. This setting also determine how long the notification alert sound will continue).

- Sender Name: (Optional: Name, relationship, or leave blank (i.e. John Doe, your son, etc.).

- Use GPS: (Optional: Include location on Check 'N' text message? Missed Check 'N' text alerts will always include location when possible).

- Missed Alerts: (Required: Number of minutes between auto Missed Check 'N' alerts ... from 1 - 5 minutes) .

Once the profile is customized and saved, the Check 'N' alert process can be triggered by simply clicking the Check 'N' icon; then clicking Start Alert. The app requires the Location service to be in the "on" position in order to launch. If the Location service is "off," immediately after clicking the Check 'N' icon, the user will be presented with a dialog screen that will allow the service to be turned on. (Note: This app is constantly trying to stay current with your location. Therefore you will notice a higher than normal drain on your battery. If, however, you decide to turn "off" Location service after the app is launched to conserve battery life, text alerts will only have the last location captured prior to turning the service "off." Turning the Location service "off" while the app is running is not recommended) .

Check 'N' primarily runs in the background. Therefore, often time, the only indication that the app is running is the Check 'N' icon being present on the status bar. The best way to terminate this app is to click Stop Alert on the Check 'N' main menu screen.

Bully Genie Check 'N' may be the perfect app to help everyone feel a little more comfortable and safe during times of separation.

Related Products:

- Bully Genie
- Bully Genie Deluxe

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