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Download Indagados Derecho Laboral Now


Indagados University es una aplicación que proporciona la mejor forma de divertirte estudiando las diversas materias de la Carrera de Abogacía (Derecho) y competir con tu grupo de estudios. Ideal para estudiantes de derecho, abogados, aspirantes al Poder Judicial y demás interesados en aprender derecho y competir. La aplicación cuenta por cada materia con 110 preguntas de las cuales 60 se responden con la metodología V o F y el resto se contestan siguiendo la metodología múltiples choice, evaluando la rapidez en la que se contestan las preguntas y el conocimiento de cada participante. En esta ocasión, en Indagados Derecho Laboral encontrarás todo el material en el que se basan los cuestionarios, referidos a la materia Derecho del Trabajo y la Seguridad Social de la carrera Abogacía, basada en la normativa vigente en la República Argentina. En caso de necesitar alguna materia en particular, debe solicitarla al correo [email protected] y luego será subida a Google Play Store. Si estas por rendir alguna de las materias de Derecho, no dudes en descargarla y de ponerte en práctica antes del examen, ya que la aplicación está diseñada para que cada materia esté estructurada de principio a fin en las 110 preguntas mencionadas. Además la app cuenta con un entorno gráfico que representa a una Universidad de Derecho y a la vez una sala de debate que te someterán a una presión similar a la de rendir un examen final.

Recomendamos antes de realizar la compra de esta aplicación, descargar alguna de las aplicaciones de la plataforma Indagados gratuitas, a fin de verificar que la app funcionará en forma correcta en su dispositivo móvil.

Para conocer las instrucciones y obtener mayor información acerca de nuestro producto, ingrese a nuestra página de Facebook oficial: Indagados University Derecho Abogacia. University investigated is an application that provides the best way to enjoy studying different subjects of the race of Law (Law) and compete with your study group. Ideal for law students, lawyers, aspiring to the Judiciary and others interested in learning right and compete. The application features for each subject with 110 questions which are answered 60 V or F methodology and the rest are answered multiple choice following the methodology, evaluating the speed in which the questions and the knowledge of each participant answered. On this occasion, we investigated Labour Law all the material in which the questionnaires, the law relating to matters of Labor and Social Security of Lawyers career, based on current legislation in Argentina are based. If you need any particular subject, you must apply to e [email protected] then be uploaded to Google Play Store. If you are about to perform one of the subjects of law, do not hesitate to download it and put into practice before the test, since the application is designed so that each subject is structured from start to finish in the 110 questions mentioned. Furthermore, the app has a graphical environment representing a University of Law and also a living debate that subject you to a yield similar to that of a final exam pressure.

We recommend before making the purchase of this application, download some of the free applications platform investigated in order to verify that the app will work correctly on your mobile device.

For instructions and more information about our products, visit our official Facebook page: University Law Advocacy investigated.

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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