Ce contine aplicatia:
- 206 de lectii grupate pe 14 capitole, dupa cum urmeaza
- 10 lectii de pronuntie
- 20 lectii de vocabular pentru incepatori, cu imagini si fisiere audio pentru fiecare cuvant in parte (in total sunt in jur de 260 de cuvinte)
- 20 lectii de vocabular pentru nivelul avansat si cel superior (grupate pe 43 de categorii totalizand 2.000 de cuvinte)
- 19 lectii de conversatii sub forma unui ghid, cu pronuntia aferenta, totalizand peste 350 de expresii
- 20 de lectii cu cele mai intalnite expresii in limba engleaza (in total sunt peste 250 de expresii)
- 10 lectii de gramatica pentru nivelul incepator (prepozitii, conjunctii etc)
- 42 de lectii de gramatica pentru nivelul intermediar (substantivul, pronumele, verbul cu toate timpurile posibile etc)
- 16 lectii de gramatica pentru nivelul avansat (verbe modale + exercitii)
- 12 conversatii sub forma unor teste (peste 150 de replici in total)
- un numar nelimitat de stiri din 8 surse diferite (este singura parte a aplicatiei care necesita internet pentru a functiona)
- un joc de tip spanzuratoarea cu peste 1.000 de cuvinte pe care sa le descoperiti singuri, clasificate pe 6 categorii si doua nivele de dificultate
- teste de evaluare a nivelului obtinut la fiecare 30-40 de lectii
- altele (modul in care se formeaza propozitiile, liste cu proverbe (peste 500), cu cele mai folosite 1.000 de cuvinte, cu substantive cu plural iregulat etc)
Si nu ne oprim aici, urmand sa mai adaugam si alte lectii care sa va ajute sa invatati cat mai rapid si eficient limba engleza. Daca aveti sugestii, nelamuriri, sfaturi, nu ezitati sa ne trimiteti un mesaj. Spor la invatat!This is the pro version of the application with the same name that will help you learn English in an easy and fun. Compared to the free version contains several lessons (206 in total, compared to 111, as has the free), new types of games, several lists and tests, 200 new audio files, more words and a series of publications that you can read to improve your level of English. Also present application contains no advertisements and does not require any permission.
Containing application:
- 206 lessons grouped into 14 chapters, as follows
- 10 lessons of pronunciation
- 20 vocabulary lessons for beginners, with images and audio for each word separately (in total there are around 260 words)
- 20 vocabulary lessons for advanced level and higher (grouped into 43 categories totaling 2,000 words)
- 19 lessons as a guide conversations with pronunciation thereon, totaling over 350 expressions
- 20 lessons with the most common expressions in English engleaza (in total there are over 250 expressions)
- 10 grammar lessons for beginner level (prepositions, conjunctions etc.)
- 42 grammar lessons for intermediate level (noun, pronoun, verb all possible times etc)
- 16 grammar lessons for advanced level (modal verbs + exercise)
- 12 conversations in the form of tests (over 150 aftershocks in total)
- Unlimited news of 8 different sources (the only part of the application that requires internet to work)
- A Hangman-type game with more than 1,000 words to discover them ourselves, classified by six categories and two levels of difficulty
- Tests to measure won every 30-40 lessons
- Other (how sentences are formed, lists of proverbs (over 500), with the most common 1,000 words, with plural nouns with irregular etc.)
And we do not stop here, and will also add other lessons to help you learn as quickly and efficiently English. If you have suggestions, questions, tips, feel free to send us a message. Good luck with studying!
You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.
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