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Addictive - ★★★★ texas_titan
"a bit surprised that studying japanese vocab can actually be this much fun...i downloaded it without thinking much about it, but i'm afraid i am getting seriously addicted! would be great to see a multiplayer option in the future :)"

Great game for Japanese lovers - ★★★★ Zjux
"You can play this whenever you are free and it helps you memorize new Japanese vocabulary. Good stuff!"

最高!! - ★★★★★ Little miss J

面白い!! - ★★★★★ り〜な
遊んでみたら面白かった! 始めは遊び方がわからなくて、モタモタしてたけど一度遊び方がわかると自分の成績がどのぐらいまで延ばせるられるか見たくて止められなくなった。 正解が出たら同時に英語の訳も出てくるので勉強になる。楽しくて勉強にもなるからちょっと特した気分になる。 お勧めです。

脳トレ! - ★★★★ mi-can
意外に難しく、ハマる! 脳トレにイイかも。要約で英単語が出てくるのは、スゴイ勉強になる!! もう少し語彙が増えるといいかも。 作れない単語がたまにある。(ライトだからかな?)


[$1.99/¥​230/£1.49/€1.79 Early bird discount!]

Jogguru is a fast and fun way to boost your knowledge of Japanese against the clock!

✓ Hunt for hiragana words by connecting up adjacent letters

✓ Score points for words with 3 or more letters and complete achievements!

✓ Instant kanjis and English translations

✓ Features all JLPT N1-N5 vocabulary

✓ Post scores to Open Feint and see how you progress with your friends!

✓ No advertising


[Game Play]

- Touch tiles to connect three or more adjacent letters to make words in hiragana and gain points.

- Vertical, horizontal and diagonally adjacent hiragana tiles can all be used but tiles cannot contribute twice to make any given word. Valid words only contribute once to your score.

- Tap て once for て, again for で, and again for て. Cycle つ → づ → っ → つ, or よ → ょ → よ etc.

- Press the search magnifying glass button (or anywhere in its vicinity) to test your word. If it's valid, an English translation and full kanji list will be offered immediately. You can study this at your leisure after the game.

- The longer the word, the more points you earn: 1 point for words of length 3, 3 for length 4, 6 for length 5, 10 for length 6, and 15 for length 7 or more.

- Conjugate words to make extra points for longer words: あそぶ, あそび, あそびたい and あそぼう are good examples. Also look for commonly occurring syllables like こう, せん, てい etc. and try combining these to get a sense of how words are built. These are just some of the great ways to improve your game and your Japanese.

- Valid words are also indicated by the screen flashing green, repeated words are indicated by yellow and invalid words are indicated by red.

- Time limit is 3 minutes. Make as many words as you can! High scores contribute to Open Feint achievements and leaderboard.

Good luck!


Developed in partnership with cooori: the future of language learning.

Graphic design: Ray Horacek.


This publication has included material from the JMdict (EDICT, etc.) dictionary files in accordance with the licence provisions of the Electronic Dictionaries Research Group. See and

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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