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More than just a cheat sheet or reference, the JavaScript Pro Quick Guide provides beginners with a simple introduction to the basics, and experts will find the advanced details they need. Loads of extras are included: syntax, variables, operators, conditionals, looping, events, exceptions and more.

The JavaScript properties/functions/methods are categorized and searchable. Each detailed information screen contains a description, parameters, examples, browser compatibility, and more. In addition, most of the examples include the actual output.

The JavaScript properties/functions/methods are broken into the following categories:
JavaScript Objects (Array, Boolean, Date, Math, Number, RegExp, String, String-HTML Wrapper), Global Properties/Functions.

Along with the following additional JavaScript information:
- JavaScript Introduction
- Using JavaScript
- Placing JavaScript
- Statements
- Variables
- Operators
- Comparisons
- Conditionals (if, if...else, if...else if...else, switch)
- Looping (for, while, do...while,
- Functions
- Events
- Exceptions
- Popup Boxes

* No internet connection necessary! Works off-line *

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