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Dies ist die erste komplett deutschsprachige Krawattenknoten-App. Die App bringt dem Nutzer mit Bildern und Texten das Krawattenbinden Schritt für Schritt bei! Folgende Krawattenknoten werden behandelt:

Die Programme von Silent CoderZ werden nicht mehr weiterentwickelt und sind nun ALLE kostenlos.

Klassische Krawattenknoten:

- Four in Hand Knoten (Der Einfache)
- Einfacher Windsor Knoten (Der Klassische)
- Doppelter Windsor Knoten (Der Konservative)
- Hannoveraner Knoten (Der Voluminöse)

Moderne Krawattenknoten:

- Kent Knoten (Der Minimalistische)
- Shelby Knoten (Der Amerikanische)
- Nicky Knoten (Der Schonende)
- Oriental Knoten (Der Stoffsparende)
- Plattsburgh Knoten (Der Dreieckige)
- Manhattan Knoten (Der Bürotaugliche)
- Cavendish Knoten (Der Längliche)
- Grantchester Knoten (Der Asymmetrische)

Exotische Krawattenknoten:

- Onassis Knoten (Der Extravagante)
- Balthus Knoten (Der Rebellische)
- Christensen Knoten (Der Romantische)
- Kelvin Knoten (Der Beringte)

Stichwörter: How to tie a tie, Krawattenknoten, Krawatte, Tie, Wie man eine Krawatte bindet, Krawatte binden für Anfänger

This is the first completely German-speaking tie knot app. The app brings the user with images and text, the tie binding step by step! The following tie knot will be covered:

The programs of Silent CoderZ are no longer being developed and are now ALL free.

Classic tie knot:

- Four in Hand knot (The Simple)
- Easy Windsor knot (The Classic)
- Double Windsor Knot (Conservative)
- Hanoverian node (The Voluminous)

Modern tie knot:

- Kent node (The Minimalist)
- Shelby knot (The American)
- Nicky node (The Gentle)
- Oriental knots (The material saving)
- Plattsburgh knot (The Triangle)
- Manhattan node (The Office Ready)
- Cavendish knot (The Elongated)
- Grantchester knot (The Asymmetric)

Exotic tie knot:

- Onassis node (The Fancy)
- Balthus knot (The Rebel)
- Christensen node (The Romantic)
- Kelvin knot (The Ringed)

Tags: How to tie a tie, tie knot, tie, tie, how to tie a tie, necktie tie for beginners

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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