Si consiglia di installare prima la versione gratuita "La scheda lite" per verificare la compatibilità col telefonino.
Le principali caratteristiche sono le seguenti:
- creazione/rimozione esercizio
- creazione/rimozione scheda
- salvataggio statistiche del singolo esercizio
- salvataggio statistiche della scheda
- grafico del progresso degli esercizi salvati
- grafico del progresso degli allenamenti salvati
- timer
- salvataggio scheda su file testuale
Come usare l'app
Si parte da quattro scelte principali:
- assegna nome alla nuova scheda
- aggiungi esercizi (altri esercizi posso essere aggiunti in un secondo momento)
- assegna icona alla scheda
- cambia nome alla scheda
- esporta scheda
- cancella esercizio
- Seleziona scheda
- analizza statistiche della scheda (diagramma a torta)
- peso massimo
- peso medio
- peso totale
- totale ripetizioni
- aggiungi esercizio
- rimuovi esercizio
- salva statistiche esercizio
- timer
- seleziona esercizio
- assegna ripetizioni/peso
- assegna livello
- salva statistiche esercizio
- visualizza statistiche esercizio
- salva note
- visualizza statistiche scheda
- progresso peso massimo
- progresso peso medio
- progresso peso totale
- progresso totale ripetizioni
- visualizza statistiche esercizio
- progresso peso massimo
- progresso peso medio
- progresso peso totale
- progresso totale ripetizioni
- crea esercizio
- rimuovi esercizio "The Card" is an app for the management of the workouts in the gym. It is an app linear and very simple to use.
It is recommended that you install the free version "Card lite" to confirm compatibility with their cell phone.
The main features are as follows:
- Creation / removal operation
- Creation / removal tab
- Saving statistics of the individual exercise
- Saving statistics tab
- Graph of the progress of the exercises saved
- Graph of progress Saved Workouts
- Timer
- Rescue board on text file
How to use the app
It starts with four main choices:
- Assign name to the new card
- Add exercises (other exercises can be added at a later date)
- Assigns the icon tab
- Changes its name to the card
- Export tab
- Deletes exercise
- Select Board
- Statistical analyzes of the card (pie chart)
- Maximum weight
- Average weight
- Total weight
- Total reps
- Add exercise
- Remove exercise
- Save statistics exercise
- Timer
- Select year
- Assigns reps / weight
- Assigns level
- Save statistics exercise
- Displays statistics exercise
- Save notes
- Displays statistics tab
- Progress maximum weight
- Progress of average weight
- Total weight progress
- Total progress reps
- Displays statistics exercise
- Progress maximum weight
- Progress of average weight
- Total weight progress
- Total progress reps
- Create exercise
- Remove exercise
You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.
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