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Download Learn French by Story Book V3 Now


French Short Story Book (Histoires Courtes) for all, children, kids & teens - Unique way of learning French, Panchtantra short stories are written in both English & French. Line by Line translation will help any individual to learn French in quicker manner with comparison to learning by other means.

sample story...

Le loup et la grue
The wolf and the crane

Un jour, un loup avide était en train de prendre son dîner.
One day a greedy wolf was having his dinner.

Il mangeait si vite qu'un os est resté coincé dans sa gorge.
He ate so hurriedly that a bone got stuck in his throat.

Il a beaucoup essayé de faire sortir l'os, mais il n'a pas réussi.
He tried hard to take out the bone but he did not succeed.

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