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This InMental Therapy in English helps you to reduce your Obesity, Overweight and Fatness naturally, in a perfect healthy way. Finish, once for all, with your eating disorder problems.

You can make all the Diets that you want… but you need to tell to your Sub-Conscience to help you to eat less and healthier. Because only your Sub-Conscience can really help you to change your life style and the way that you eat, for the rest of your life. That is the only way. Only your Sub-Conscience can help you to be more elegant, to live longer and to keep a good health.

This Anti-Obesity Therapy is oriented to you, whether you are a woman or a man.

This therapy can be used by people of all ages, adults, youngsters, old people and even children.

You have to listen one Session per day, during three days, for example, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

You can always hear a Session, every time you feel more fragile or insecure.

The Psychological Software Anti-Obesity InMental is an audio file that you will listen using headphones from your Tablet, PDA, iPOD, Smart Phone, Notebook, Computer, iPhone, iPad, ITAB ... exactly as listening to music, but we recommend that you do so with your eyes closed and in a comfortable resting position, as your bed, or in a nursing chair.

You should sit or lie down comfortably in a quiet place, preferably your bedroom. Before you begin, make yourself at home, remove shoes, and go to the bathroom if needed. Wrap up with a blanket in case you feel cold. Turn off cell phones, alarms, bells. Tell your friends and family not to bother you. You will need silence for the next 60-90 minutes.

We recommend you to connect your device directly to the electric power to keep the battery fully charged, during the entire session.

You are about to start the experience, probably, the most exciting of your life.

Put the headphones in your ears, turn on your device: Tablet, PDA, iPOD, Smart Phone, CD Player, Laptop or computer, iPhone, iPad, ITAB, ... CLOSE YOUR EYES and let yourself go ...

The Psychological Software EN in English is a fantastic way for you to lose weight, to relax, to feel cheerful and happy during the all day.

You can install it on your Smart Mobile Phone with Android or Tablet and walk always with him. You can always hear a Session, every time you feel more fragile or insecure.

If you want to lose weight, feel relaxed, with good humor and cheerful throughout the entire day, try the from the in English (EN).

By the way: EN is the English version, PT is the Portuguese version, ES is the Spanish version and FR is the French version.

Remember: this APP is not a video game. This is a Psychological Therapy oriented to your Sub-Conscience, with the objective to solve your psychological problems.

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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