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“Today’s children love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.” Can you believe that Socrates, the famous ancient Greek philosopher said this about children and youth 2500 years back. This is true for children across the history of time and of course for today’s children too. Children are only a reflection of the societal trends.

Parents play a pivotal role in the process of raising children into responsible adults, giving direction to them and most importantly shaping their personality. There are no bad parents or bad children, there are only bad parenting styles and bad behaviours in children as a result. Many parents often use force for unwanted behaviour as they fear, if children are left like that, they will develop into bad human beings. On the other hand, if they are beaten they could become even more stubborn and adamant. These are the common dilemmas that parents go through all the time.

Likewise, parents struggle to decide if their children should be given freedom of choice in choosing their career or they should be pushed to choose courses based on parents wishes. Common behavioural problems seen in younger children like hyperactivity, lying, bed wetting, school refusal, sleep problems, sibling quarrels can be managed at home to a large extent. These may not be problems for which you need to consult a doctor, however they cannot be left unattended and ignored too. This app answers all the above raised issues in a simple and straight forward manner and with strong scientific basis.

Many noted academicians argue that there should be a regular child psychologist, a visiting clinical psychologist or psychiatrist in every school to correct the behavioural lapses and to help children realize their fullest potential. This is in force in foreign countries. Hopefully, someday, in India too, all schools will have counsellors and psychiatrists on their board.

However, this may take a long time in our country due to shortage of specialists. In these circumstances, this app will prove to be very handy for all those connected to children like parents, teachers and policy makers.
If it is the children who decide the future of the nation, it is the parents who will have to put the children in good stead and give them direction. It is therefore necessary for the parents to have adequate skills for bringing up the children. There are so many notions about parenting and a lot of confusion about what is right and what is wrong in raising a child. This app combines the science and art involved in raising children and keeps the content as simple as possible, so the title “Parenting Made Easy”.

This app is more like a guide, a manual which has simple instructions, do’s and don’ts related to parenting. Apart from covering the most common behavioural and psychological problems in children, there is a section on frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) which resolves common parenting dilemmas. we have utilized scientific knowledge gathered at Child Guidance Clinic, NIMHANS, India’s premier Psychiatry Institute and also learnt a lot about parenting from thousands of parents and children whom I had the good fortune to interact and treat over the last 13 years.

We sincerely hope that this book will enhance parents awareness on child rearing and make parenting a joyous and fulfilling experience.

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