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Replace your old hand-held hiking / running / biking GPS with Retrace. Retrace makes it simple to record a GPS log of your activities. Simple displays highlight distance, speed, and elevation changes. If you have data, the map tab shows you where you are on the map; if you do not have data (or have it disabled to save battery), a grid-based view is presented. Elevation profiles are also shown.

Many more details can be found on the App Site:

Retrace caches the most recent 500 map tiles for offline use, so you can pan the map around the area you will be going in advance of your trip and not require any data while you are on your activity.

Extensive sharing functionality is built into Retrace. With our free online portal you can easily share your track with Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp or any other social network. An example of a shared track can be viewed here:

Additionally, Retrace offers optional anonymous online tracking if you wish to upload your current position automatically every few minutes for your loved ones or friends to track your progress. No username is required and you can optionally password-protect your location. An example of the tracking page can be found here:

If you ever have any problems, questions, or suggestions the options page has a 'send feedback' button. If you contact us, we will try to sort out any problems ASAP! You can also email us directly at [email protected]

Retrace is great for:
✓ biking
✓ running
✓ hiking
✓ walking
✓ downhill/x-country skiing
✓ off roading (ATV, motorcycle, etc.)
✓ tracking flights / road trips
✓ horseback riding
✓ canoeing / kayaking
✓ golfing
✓ rock climbing / mountaineering
✓ any other activity you want to record

Retrace supports a variety of export options:
✓ Strava
✓ GPX: Used online e.g., RunTracker/Endomondo

Tracks can also be _imported_ into Retrace using the popular GPX format so that you can follow them on your activities (e.g., you can export a Strava route and import it into Retrace). Your full track library can also be easily exported so it can be migrated to a new device.

Retrace also makes it easy to tag you activities so it is easy to go back and look at tracks for past activities. The track list is capable of displaying thousands of tracks; the track filter lets you quickly find the track you are looking for by filtering on both track names and tags.

A variety of configuration options are provided to configure Retrace exactly for you! Locations can be given in Lat/Lon, UTM, MGRS, or UK Grid Ref. Distance can be displayed in km, mi, or nm. Speed can be in km/h, mi/h or knots.

Retrace permissions only require the ability to track your location and save your tracks; the network permissions are optional and are only used if you want to export your tracks to another service.

Strava note: If you tag your track as 'priv' or 'private' it will be marked private when you share it with Strava. If you tag it 'commute' it will be uploaded as a commute.

You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.

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