Copiii vor invata intr-un mod interactiv :
- Literele alfabetului;
- Cifre;
- Animale domestice
- Culori;
- Forme;
- Legume;
- Fructe;
Imaginile sunt insotite de pronuntia in limba romana si de sunete specifice.
Aplicatia cuprinde 10 mini-jocuri:
1. Invata - apasa pe caracterele care apar pe ecran pentru a auzi denumirea in limba romana precum si sunete specifice.
2. Alege culorile - invata culori sau verifica-ti cunostintele apasand pe culoarea auzita
3. Sorteaza legumele - triaza legumele si aseaza-le in cosul lor
4. Labirint - Colecteaza literele pentru a forma cuvantul intreg si gaseste animalul pentru a asculta pronuntarea corecta
5. Sari - Sari si colecteaza fructe, legume, litere si numere
6. Pereche - Aranjeaza formele in casutele indicate pentru a forma o figura noua
7. Alearga - Alearga si prinde legumele, fructele, numerele si literele scapate de pasari
8. Ridica un gard - Ridica un gard in jurul oilor apasand cifrele in ordine crescatoare si vezi ce forma geometrica se formeaza
9. Trecere Drum - Ajuta pisica sa treaca drumul si sa se fereasca de catei
10. Verifica-ti cunostintele - Identifica animalele in ordinea precizata
La sfarsitul fiecarui nivel copiii vor primi o recompensa de maximum 3 stelute in functie de procentajul de completare corecta a nivelului.
Informatii adaptate nevoii copiilor de a descoperi lumea inconjuratoare vor fi adaugate periodic in lista materialelor interactive. Asteptam comentariile si sugestiile tale pentru a imbunatati aceasta aplicatie. Application without commercials. "Life on the farm -Limba Romanian" is an application for children between 1 and 7 years. The app helps kids develop their vocabulary and perception of objects and beings.
Children will learn in an interactive way:
- The letters of the alphabet;
- Digits;
- Domestic animals
- Colors;
- Forms;
- Vegetables;
- Fruit;
The images are accompanied by the pronunciation in Romanian language and specific sounds.
The app includes 10 mini-games:
1. Teach - click on the characters that appear on the screen to hear the name in Romanian language and specific sounds.
2. Choose colors - learn colors or check your knowledge heard by clicking on color
3. Sort vegetables - -triaza vegetables and place them in their cart
4. Labyrinth - Collect letters to form the word whole and finds the animal to hear the correct pronunciation
5. Jump - Jump and collect fruits, vegetables, letters and numbers
6. Pair - Arrange shapes in the boxes indicated to form a new figure
7. Run - Run and Catch vegetables, fruit, poultry numbers and letters leaked
8. Pick up a fence - erected a fence around the sheep by pressing the numbers in ascending order and see what geometric shape is formed
9. Pass Road - Help the cat to cross the road and avoid the dogs
10. Check your knowledge - Identify animals in the specified sequence
At the end of each level children will receive a reward of up to 3 stars depending on the percentage of completion correct level.
Information tailored to the need of children to discover the world around will be added periodically interactive materials list. We welcome comments and suggestions to improve this application.
You are allowed to use this product only within the laws of your country/region. SharewareOnSale and its staff are not responsible for any illegal activity. We did not develop this product; if you have an issue with this product, contact the developer. This product is offered "as is" without express or implied or any other type of warranty. The description of this product on this page is not a recommendation, endorsement, or review; it is a marketing description, written by the developer. The quality and performance of this product is without guarantee. Download or use at your own risk. If you don't feel comfortable with this product, then don't download it.
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