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Download Virtual Terminal PROkey Now


Through this PROkey, Virtual Terminal acquires new characteristics and uses:

- It can be used as a WiFi / Bluetooth server, allowing other devices connect to it(Clients) - it can be useful for android and java developers for client application testing, or continue with MCU systems, but this time the embedded system decides when will connect to the Android device (Check your hardware for working as client). Being a server give you the possibility to chat with other Virtual Terminal user.

- Enables a more useful 'FastSend Mode' with a total of 16 buttons (Extra buttons are scrollable, thinking on phone users)
- Allows the 'Xtring Mode' to have up to 32 items, letting you send larger and complex packages
- Pro users can select Xtring items to ignore during the send operation

- The 'Commander Mode' enables a bundle of configurable buttons for loading specific commands, letting you send those commands through a simple button press, the buttons can be loaded with text, a byte, big integers and float point numbers. The button labels will show it's stored data, taking care to show the data format/type you entered, it means that if you save a binary value, you will see it as a binary one, same for other input types. Saved commands are stored in app's memory and are available for any Virtual Terminal work mode.
- All virtual Terminal Characteristics and configurable features can be used in all work modes, including the server ones.

Vagos CORP - Seeking comfort through technology.

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