Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion Kryptel / Oct 21 2018

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  • #12333291 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about Kryptel? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than Kryptel, post it here! If you know of issues with Kryptel, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #12333491 Reply | Quote
    Dirk P

    License not work,
    the info:

    Note: If you get an an error message that says NO APPROPRIATE LICENSE FOUND, then you must uninstall the trial version or whatever version you have, install the program from the download link we give above. and then register it.

    does not work

    #12333505 Reply | Quote
    Chaiyatat K

    SOS Customer ID doesn’t work.
    It always show “invalid argument” so I can’t activate it.
    I’ve try un/reinstall it many times. Have any suggestion?

    #12333696 Reply | Quote

    Fantastico softowere, grazie

    #12335628 Reply | Quote

    Congrats to SoS who has somehow managed to defeat my popup blocker (just noticed today) with such informative gems as “Yeah!A SoS member from United States just downloaded Kryptel (100% Discount)

    Any suggestions on how to turn this off?

    #12336045 Reply | Quote
    Svend Östergaard

    I have not tested this program, but will do it.
    I am currently using Vera Crypt, which is free (Open source) and I found it very useful, since I can have an encrypted partition that I open with a strong password and then acts as a regular disk while I’m logged on to the computer . It automatically closes when I turn off the computer. Very handy for me, since I can have the partition on a USB hard drive or, for example. on my NAS.
    VeraCrypt adds enhanced security to the algorithms used for system and partitions encryption making it immune to new developments in brute-force attacks.
    VeraCrypt also solves many vulnerabilities and security issues found in TrueCrypt.

    As an example, when the system partition is encrypted, TrueCrypt uses PBKDF2-RIPEMD160 with 1000 iterations whereas in VeraCrypt we use 327661. And for standard containers and other partitions, TrueCrypt uses at most 2000 iterations but VeraCrypt uses 655331 for RIPEMD160 and 500000 iterations for SHA-2 and Whirlpool.

    #12336292 Reply | Quote
    Ken Driver

    I’ve been using this for over a year. Works great! It encrypts and decrypts easily

    #12336863 Reply | Quote

    [@Svend Östergaard]
    Hey, if you didn’t test the software, why are you fooling around here?
    Who the hell needs your thoughts on other programs?

    #12337036 Reply | Quote

    Installed without issue, registration key worked. I’ve been using AxCrypt v1.7.3 (v2.x horrible!) and Kryptel compares well with higher 256-bit AES than AxCrypt’s 128-bit cipher although right-click context menu is not quite as easy/fast. Thanks for giveaway.

    #12337132 Reply | Quote
    Kryptel Support

    SOS Customer ID doesn’t work.

    Just don’t try to activate the trial version from our Web site with that Customer ID. Use the right (i.e. SoS) distribution file.

    #12337403 Reply | Quote

    [@Simon] Just click the “X”… also its not a popup, that’s why your popup blocker won’t stop it. It is an in-page notification.

    #12345878 Reply | Quote
    Peter Z

    It’s great. Thank your very much.

    #12351397 Reply | Quote
    Out of the cold

    As hard as i tried I could not load either the portable version or the hub. Makes me think that the program is too buggy to run if i can’t even load the program.

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Reply To: Kryptel / Oct 21 2018