Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion ByteScout Timesheet Tool / Nov 10 2018

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  • #12467444 Reply | Quote

    Have something to say about ByteScout Timesheet Tool? Say it here!

    Have suggestions, comments, or need help? Post it here! If you know of better software than ByteScout Timesheet Tool, post it here! If you know of issues with ByteScout Timesheet Tool, post it here! Share your knowledge with all of us. :-)

    #12468415 Reply | Quote

    It will be very useful to inform that this software requires Windows 64 Bits BEFORE someone download it!

    #12468777 Reply | Quote

    It will be very useful to inform that this software requires Windows 64 Bits BEFORE someone download it!

    I agree! Went through all the steps, Downloaded, extracted and install only to find out it won’t because I do not have a 64bit system. Therefore wasted 15 minutes of my morning.
    Not to mention 30 damn captchas just to post this!

    #12473146 Reply | Quote

    ByteScout Timesheet Tool installed OK, but added 20 minutes to what should have been 7.5 hrs.

    I uninstalled the app. I think I will stick to my simple, ugly Excel spread sheet. I am curious. Adding time is simple.



    #12473817 Reply | Quote

    This program assumes that the work shift is entirely between midnight and the next midnight, and in one chunk. If I start work at 8 PM, work til 4 AM, rest until 10AM to start again, and work until 6 PM before starting another day, there is no way to enter the data.

    Granted 12 AM and 12 PM are often considered ambiguous, but 12 AM is considered Midnight, and 12 PM is considered Noon. If I set the start time at 12 AM and the end time at 4 PM, instead of there being 4 hours, the total time shows 16 hours instead of 4 hours. If I change the start time to 0 AM, then the total time changes to 4 hours.

    #12473859 Reply | Quote

    its ok if you deal in $ i don’t so useless to me, would have been nice to know this before i installed the programme. it only does gross pay as well, which is easy enough to know if you know the basics of using a calculator and are ok at maths lol.

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Reply To: ByteScout Timesheet Tool / Nov 10 2018