A gripping story unfolds as you progress through 75 days of warfare, across a dozen unique maps, aided by a collection of turrets, traps and special attacks. Experience the game in unprecedented quality, with a first-class soundtrack, new high-resolution portraits, and revised gameplay.
● Place Kingdom Force units to defend your capitol in a brand new Endless Mode - Antonia Defense!
● Build up your fortifications each day to defend against a timed Clockwork assault. Use dozens of Turrets, Traps, and Helpers to stop the advance.
● Fight alongside your defenses, using context-sensitive Special Attacks, and devastating Super Attacks, which impact a wide range of enemies.
● Unlock the secrets of Kingdom Force and the Archineers via an engrossing story with a multi-character cast, told by hand-drawn cinematics and cutscenes.
● Full tablet support
Supported languages: EN, DA, FI, FR, DE, IT, NO, RU, ES, SV
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© HandyGames 2019
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