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Download Tafheemul Quran Bangla Revised Now


Tafheemul Quran Bangla Revised is the updated version of Tafheemul Quran of our account. In this edition we have added some more functions and facilities to the Quran including dark-mood, font-adjustment system, bookmark system, saving system, noghtmood, daymood, fine and proper text and beautiful background and User Interface.

Dark-mood: We have added an excellent facility to this app, that is the dark-mood. We have thought about some issues about reading for all type of ages especially the old people. It is proved by the scientists and doctors that watching,reading,using mobile phone at night while on the bed is not healthy for the eyes, so we tried to solve this problem as much as we could. We included a dark-mood system. in our app there is a button on the top-right corner if anyone taps that suddenly your app-interface is changed. Now the background color is black and the texts are white, now it is easier for your eyes to capture the lights while on the bed.

Font-adjustment: Font is an essential matter of reading texts in an app. If the font of texts are very small the old people cannot see them properly, however if the font is very big, the app loses its beauty with having a full interface gathered with texts. We heard about all. We solved that problem by the font-adjustment system. Now, the old can make the font of the words big as their comfortableness also the grown-up can customize the font. It is an excellent feature for the app.

Bookmark system: Our app is about an Islamic book that describes about the Quran. the readers can never read the whole book at once. They read for 30 minute or 1 hour after that, they shut the app. So, we put another good feature in the app for them. That is the bookmark system. here anybody can mark the page up to which he had read. he or she can again remember and start reading after that. We have put some other similar features and options to the app. It is an app with fine text and good graphics also if it can have night-mood, it always have to be a day-mood, right the app has that feature also. Buy our app, install it and read it for lifetime. May Allah help you. Stay safe.

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