Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion ApowerREC / Apr 25 2021 Reply To: ApowerREC / Apr 25 2021

#17787783 Quote

I did exactly what APowersoft Support suggested in their recent posts:
1) I followed the instructions
2) I sent a mail to their support with a video that clearly showed the problem.
3) I followed the most recent “Uninstall and re-install it with new version” instructions.
It does NOT work and APowersoft is at a minimum incompetent and possibly worse. Why worse?
a) Between 2) and 3) I got a mail from them suggesting I should get one of their support people access to my computer to fix the problem. NO chance for that! This is JUST a 1 year license and clearly it is not worse the risk.
b) APowersoft claims that the “latest fixed version” will solve the problem. The currently downloadable version via ShareWareoNSale is exactly the same version as a few days ago. There is no “latest fixed version”.

Conclusion: Forget this offer and stay away from APowersoft products in future!