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Download Food Manager – Save Food(Paid) Now


>> We usually purchase various food items from the shop & fill up our fridge with many packaged foods which follow certain expiry date.

>> After many days we would just forget to consume all the foods which were kept in the fridge before reaching its expiry date thus we just throw those expired food items outside.

>> So this app will track all your food items which you kept inside a fridge or in the kitchen. Just follow up with this app with few details about the food item(Name, category, image, quantity & expiry date) & save it in the app's built-in 'Inventory(Stock)'.

>>Once you are done, this app will take care of everything for all those food items from now onward & intimate you periodically about the expiry date of any food item via notification.


1. Auto complete entries for common food names

2. Allows to enter the expiry date of any food item

3. Food category & quantity can also be added

4. Image of the food item can be saved along with other details in the 'Inventory(Stock)'

5. Notifies users about the food items which will reach the expiry date soon.

6. Upon reaching the expiry date, this app automatically deletes that product from the 'Inventory(Stock)'

7. Users also can easily manage the food items in the 'Inventory(Stock)'

>> Send me your feedback to: [email protected]

Thank You!

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