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Chapter 1: Birth
1- ‘Ali ibn Husayn Mas‘udi—21
2- Shams al-Din ibn Khallikan—21
3- Shaykh ‘Abd Allah Shabrawi—22
4- Shaykh ‘Abd al-Wahhab Sha‘rani—22
5- Shaykh Sulayman Qunduzi—22
Natal Star—22
Like Abraham and Moses—23
Meeting with Mahdi (‘a)—24
Forty Shi‘as in quest of Mahdi (‘a)—25
The philosopher Nawbakhti in the presence of Mahdi (‘a)—25
Transient Rise—26
Raid of laden clouds—27
Chapter 2: Appearance
1- Religious character—32
2- Dispositional character—33
3- Practical character—33
4- Revolutionary character—33
5- Political character—34
6- Educational character—35
7- Social character—36
8- Financial Character—36
9- Reformative character—36
10- Judicial character—37
All-Encompassing Justice—38
Why by the sword?—39
Journey to outer space—40
Chapter 3: Occultation
Minor Occultation—45
Major Occultation—46
Special deputies during the Minor Occultation—46
Special Deputation [niyabat khas]—46
General Deputation [niyabat ‘am]—47
1- ‘Uthman ibn Sa‘id—47
2- Muhammad ibn ‘Uthman—47
3- Husayn ibn Ruh Nawbakhti—48
4- ‘Ali ibn ‘Uthman Samuri—48
General deputies during the Major Occultation—49
Chapter 4: In the Books of the Ancients
In the Books of the Ancients (Glad Tidings)—55
In Zoroastrianism—55
In Hinduism—56
In Buddhism—57
In Judaism—57
In Christianity—59
Chapter 5: In Muslim Sources (1)
Sunni Sources—63
Types of Sources—63
Selected Sources—64
Specific Sources—66
Some points about the sources—68
Accounts of Sunni Scholars—70
1- Ibn Hajar Haytami—70
2- ÝImad al-Din Ibn Kuthayr Dimashqi—70
3- Ibn Abi ’l-Hadid Mada’ni—70
4- Sadr al-Din Quniyawi—70
5- Muhammad ibn Badr al-Din Rumi—71
6- Jalal al-Din Suyuti—71
7- Shaykh ‘Abd al-Haqq Dihlawi—72
8- Abu al-‘Irfan Sabban—72
9- Abu al-Fawz Baghdadi—72
10- Shaykh Mansur ‘Ali Nasif—72
11- Shaykh Muhammad ‘Abduh—73
12- Ahmad Amin Misri—73
Excerpts from Kifayat al-Muwahhidin—79
Continuity (tawatur) in the Chains of Transmission of Traditions Regarding Mahdi (‘a)Concerning Mahdi (‘a)—80
Belief in Mahdi is Islamic rather than sectarian—83
The School of Protestation among the Sunnis—84
Chapter 6: In Muslim Sources (2)
In Shi‘a Sources—89
Types of Sources—90
Selected Sources—90
Continuity of the Promise and the Promised—93
Imam Abu al-Hasan al-Rida (‘a) and the citation from the Bible—96
The Last Promised Saviour—98
His Characteristics —99
From the Book ‘Bayan al-Furqan’ —100
The First Issue—101
The Second Issue—101
The Third Issue—102
The Fourth Issue—103
The Fifth Issue—103
The Sixth Issue—105
Reflections in the Mirror of Time—106
Rapidity and Comprehensiveness—107
The Sun Rising in the West—108
Chapter 7: In the Holy Qur’an
Mahdi (‘a) in the Holy Qur’an—111
The First Verse:—111
The Second Verse:—112
The Third Verse:—113
The Fourth Verse:—113
The Fifth Verse:—114
The Sixth Verse:—115
The Seventh Verse:—116
The Eighth Verse:—116
The Ninth Verse:—117
The Tenth Verse:—118
In Exegeses—118
Chapter 8: In Surah al-Qadr
The Chapter of the Night of Decree (97).—123
Which Night is it?—123
It is the Night of Decree and ‘the scroll of separation is folded away’—124
One night each year—127
The Lord of the Night of Decree—128
The Holy Qur’an and the Night of Decree—133
‘Ali (‘a) and the Night of Decree—135
Blessed Night—136
Criteria of Humaness—Error! Bookmark not defined.
Chapter 9: In the domain of intellectual (‘aqli) sciences
Perspectives of intellectual sciences—147
1- In Qur’anic teachings—147
2- In metaphysics—148
3- In political philosophy—149
4- In Illuminationist (ishraqi) Philosophy—152
5- In the Philosophy of the Brethren of Purity (Ikhwan al-Safa)—153
6- In Theology and Beliefs—154
7- In Mysticism and Spiritual Insight—156
8- Ya‘qub Kindi’s View—160
Meeting with Imam Mahdi (‘a)—160
The Fortunate—161

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