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Download Basketball Shot Chart Now


Basketball Shot Chart takes your shot statistics beyond pen and paper while keeping things simple. Designed with basketball coaches, scouts, parents, and enthusiasts in mind, Basketball Shot Chart makes use of intuitive touch gestures to give you real-time shot tracking and accuracy in fast-paced games.

Complement your scouting with historical data that is accurate and readable (try that with a stack of pencil marked papers). Know where a player or team is scoring, and be able to break it down by season or game. Know where on the court your players are shooting well and where they can improve. Basketball Shot Chart is compact and tidy. Everything is right there on your Android phone or tablet.

Key Features:
- Quick and accurate shot tracking for players and teams. It is so easy, that you can pull in a volunteer and have them charting in no time.
- Fast and easy shot statistics for teams/players in seasons/games.
- Track entire rosters, or just the players you care about.
- “Onion Skinning” fades out old shots, keeping the screen clean and clear
- “Undo” means that if you mess up, you can fix it quick.
- Accurate court dimensions and lines for all manner of leagues.
- No-fuss management of teams, players and tracked games.
- On screen scoreboard helps you reconcile made shots with the official score.
- Integrated support allows you to report problems, ask questions, and suggest new features without having to put on your Geek hat.
- Share/Backup your shooting stats.
- Keep the fans at home happy by posting to Facebook as the game progresses.
- Data export formatted to export shooting stats to

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