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Are you struggling with managing stress? Do you feel like anxiety is running your life? Are you having trouble falling or staying asleep? Relaxation and mindfulness techniques, when used on a regular basis, will help you feel more in control, sleep better, relieve muscle tension, and reduce overall anxiety.

Focus on a technique called mindful breathing in "5 Minute Stress Relief", which is very effective in giving immediate stress relief. The full body relaxation downloads, "Beach Meditation" and "Soothing Brook Meditation" combine three important methods of relaxation, including deep breathing, muscle relaxation, and guided imagery.

The author of this app, Tina Chadwick, is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) and has over 10 years experience treating clients who struggle to manage anxiety and stress.

If you are short on time, you can simply do the “5 Minute Stress Relief” technique, which is helpful anytime of the day to brush off stress. If you have a longer break during the day, or are struggling to fall or stay asleep at night, try one of the full body relaxations to relieve your stress and anxiety.

Fill out the Daily Anxiety Form to further help monitor and mange your anxiety. Learn what triggers your level of anxiety and what coping skills work best for you.

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