Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion SerialSafe / Mar 17 2016 Reply To: SerialSafe / Mar 17 2016

#4543036 Quote
Christopher Sonon

In regards to your questions please see the following responses.
1. You are correct, there is not a full change log. I was only showing the latest items until this last release where I felt it was good to show all changes. If you want to reach out to [email protected] I can provide you the dates and release notes. They will eventually be on the website, but right now I have been focusing on a new major version as opposed to that portion of the site.
2. The direction you reference is for upgrading a previous portable version. The files that are in the ZIP can be stored anywhere you like. For example I store all versions that have ever been released in a C:\Temp\Version# folder structure so that I can reference and test customer requests per version. Your storage structure can be defined by you. The only key is to keep the .ssdb file in the same directory as the .exe.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.