Home Forums SharewareOnSale Deals Discussion SerialSafe / Mar 17 2016

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  • #4540465 Reply | Quote
    Christopher Sonon

    Hi John –
    Please check your spam/junk folders for an email from [email protected]. I sent your license at 11:48am eastern today. If you still cannot find it, please try sending an email directly to [email protected] OR [email protected] and I can reply to it. Typically a reply to an email you send will not be blocked. Thank you!

    #4540583 Reply | Quote

    Hi Ashraf,
    hi Christopher:
    Thanks a lot for this very usefull software!
    I didn’t know at all that there is such a thing.
    Great work!
    Thanks again :-)

    #4540937 Reply | Quote


    I purchased as well, but I received no email from SOS. The DEV did say to allow 24 hours for manual processing of the key.

    #4541095 Reply | Quote

    [@Christopher Sonon] Just wanted to thank you for coming here to provide help. Our community definitely appreciates developers that do that.

    #4541171 Reply | Quote

    I used the free code given today. I entered the correct information, but am still get an error. I copied and pasted everything to use for registration the email told me to. Can you please help?

    #4541432 Reply | Quote
    Christopher Sonon

    Hi Brian –
    Please reach out to support at [email protected]. It would be best for you to send an un-populated copy of the .ssdb file to use to review.

    #4541436 Reply | Quote
    Christopher Sonon

    Sorry for the delay. All licenses that have been purchased have been sent to users. If you have not gotten your license please check your spam/junk folders for an email from [email protected] with a subject: SerialSafe License.

    #4541467 Reply | Quote

    [@Christopher Sonon] Thx for the reply Christopher……appreciate your candor. I’ll wait : )

    #4541539 Reply | Quote
    Jan Winkeler

    an outer program exception was encountered; sytem null reference exeption; so, it doesn’t work om my pc

    #4541542 Reply | Quote
    pille palle


    #4541769 Reply | Quote
    Rob Down Under

    I have installed it into XP, but it does not appear to be responding once the main form shows.
    THUS, it should be mentioned that it does not work on XP
    They say it does, but it also requires NET Framework 4.5
    And there does not appear to be an easy way to install NET 4.5 into XP
    I am open to suggestions as how to get 4.5 into XP

    #4541966 Reply | Quote

    @Ash Hi there :)
    Great to see you keep finding new & interesting softs for us to discover, even after all these years. Bravo !!
    @Christopher Solon
    I am quite interested to buy your app. It’s new to me & would be quite useful, since I’ve been using an half built spreadsheet to keep track of everything.
    Before I buy, I have several questions
    1) On your site, the changelog page only shows the last 2 versions.
    And even those, do not have the dates. Where can we find a complete changelog, *with* dates, going back from the beginning?
    2) I see there is a portable vs, which is excellent!! But the instructions are a bit confusing:
    “Extract all files in the ZIP to the root folder where SerialSafe is stored and overwrite all existing files”
    Do you mean to say the app can only be installed at the root?? All my apps are in my PortableApps Suite, but that is not installed at the root of my external HDD.

    Appreciate you being here helping us out ;)

    #4542971 Reply | Quote
    Christopher Sonon

    [@Rob Down Under]
    Please try downloading and installing .NET 4.0 from the the link below (Microsoft Website). https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=17851. This should resolve your issues. .NET 4.5 is a drop in replacement for 4.0 on newer machines. Please do note that on XP you need to be running SP3 to run .NET 4.0. Please reach out to [email protected] if you continue to experience issues.

    #4542977 Reply | Quote
    Christopher Sonon

    [@Jan Winkeler]
    Please reach out to [email protected] and I can guide you in troubleshooting any issues. More than likely it is related to an incorrect .NET version but I can assist better through email. Thank you.

    #4543036 Reply | Quote
    Christopher Sonon

    In regards to your questions please see the following responses.
    1. You are correct, there is not a full change log. I was only showing the latest items until this last release where I felt it was good to show all changes. If you want to reach out to [email protected] I can provide you the dates and release notes. They will eventually be on the website, but right now I have been focusing on a new major version as opposed to that portion of the site.
    2. The direction you reference is for upgrading a previous portable version. The files that are in the ZIP can be stored anywhere you like. For example I store all versions that have ever been released in a C:\Temp\Version# folder structure so that I can reference and test customer requests per version. Your storage structure can be defined by you. The only key is to keep the .ssdb file in the same directory as the .exe.
    Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

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Reply To: SerialSafe / Mar 17 2016